La Jolla’s Levison Family Makes Aliyah

SDJW Staff Report

After 12 years in San Diego, the Levison family made Aliyah last month. Photo courtesy of Nefesh B’Nefesh.

LA JOLLA, California — Hillary and Avi Levison of La Jolla made Aliyah to Israel with their three daughters last month.

For New York native Avi, 43, and Cleveland native Hillary, 38, what was initially intended as a “one-year adventure” of moving to the West Coast for its quality of life and inherent beauty ultimately turned into 12 years in San Diego.

“It was such a great place to live that our one-year adventure grew, as did our family, raising our three beautiful girls there,” Hillary said, referring to Rae, 9, Gemma, 7, and Tillie, 3.

Given La Jolla’s natural beauty, the Levisons “felt Israel was the one place we could justify moving to,” Avi said, adding that the family was “looking for a place where we could be closer to family and friends while providing a deeper sense of community with rich resources.”

The family’s move to Israel was facilitated by Nefesh B’Nefesh, an organization that Avi said “made the Aliyah process a lot more straightforward and easier to navigate.”

Given La Jolla’s natural beauty, the Levisons “felt Israel was the one place we could justify moving to.” Photo courtesy of the Levison family.

“Nefesh B’Nefesh as well as their website and material guided us on the forms and paperwork, which prepared us for the official bureaucratic process,” he said, adding that the organization “even now, after we made Aliyah, keeps in touch to ensure a smoother integration.”

The Levisons, who were members of Congregation Adat Yeshurun in La Jolla, have moved to Modi’in. They noted the city’s central location and strong absorption process, as well as its ability to provide a “soft landing” for their children.

“Now was the right time to make Aliyah because of the kids’ ages — it’s so much harder to acclimate and adjust once they get older,” Hillary said. “We also recently visited Israel as a family, so we wanted to continue that excitement.”

Founded in 2002, Nefesh B’Nefesh, in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, the Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael, and JNF-USA, strives to facilitate and celebrate Aliyah, advocate for Olim, and education towards a stronger connection to Israel. By minimizing financial, professional, logistical, and social obstacles, Olim are able to actualize their dreams and continue building a stronger Israel. The support and comprehensive social services provided by Nefesh B’Nefesh to its 75,000 new immigrants have ensured that 90% have remained in Israel.