California’s Scott Brockman Joins American Society of the University of Haifa Development Team

(Press Release) California-based Jewish nonprofit leader Scott Brockman has joined the executive team of American Society of the University of Haifa (ASUH), assuming the position of Vice President of Development.

Scott Brockman

Brockman has more than 25 years of experience in the Jewish nonprofit world, leading organizations that have strategically reimagined themselves and grown to expand their impact. He served as Director of Campaign Outreach and Expansion at the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County, Executive Director of the Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach, and Southern Regional Director for J Street, before becoming Executive Director of American Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam, where he focused on the issue of shared society. Most recently, he was Executive Director of a JCC without walls in Sonoma County, California.

ASUH is dedicated to increasing awareness and financial support for University of Haifa to ensure its continued excellence in teaching, research, and community service. ASUH cultivates relationships and serves as a vital connection between the University and its friends, supporters, alumni, and partner institutions in the U.S.

With a student population of 18,000 University of Haifa serves more immigrants, minorities, and first-generation university students than any other Israeli university. As northern Israel’s largest research university, the institution brings jobs, security, and stability to its city and region, while greatly increasing its graduates’ opportunities for social mobility and building a new middle class.

“I am delighted to welcome Scott to our senior development team as part of the expansion of our work to amplify University of Haifa’s transformative impact on Israeli society,” said Naomi Reinharz, CEO of ASUH. “Whether it be through producing cutting-edge research that is highly respected worldwide, empowering marginalized populations, cultivating coexistence, or driving socioeconomic growth in northern Israel, University of Haifa presents a special story that can personally resonate with a diverse array of supporters of Israel throughout the U.S. Scott will play a leading role in enabling far more Americans to discover and connect with this story.”


Preceding provided by American Society of the University of Haifa

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