Some young voters can’t bring themselves to vote for Biden this year over the war in Gaza

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The Philadelphia Inquirer

PHILADELPHIA — “Vote blue no matter who” was Madelyn Shick’s mantra before she could even vote after former President Donald Trump’s rise in 2016. She argued with people supporting third party candidates, but now she’s on the other side of that dispute. Shick, 22, said she can’t vote for any candidate who hasn’t already called for a permanent cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, including President Joe Biden. “It’s hard to say that Trump will be much worse, and that’s coming from someone who wore Biden shirts, wore Biden pins, and really, really, really, thought we had to keep Trump out,” said…

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1 thought on “Some young voters can’t bring themselves to vote for Biden this year over the war in Gaza”

  1. “One-issue” voters, as Madeline Kessler and Elis Beresin-Scher appear to be in the story above, are troublesome. They seem to be against President Biden solely because of what he is doing or not doing about Israel at the moment, and disregarding everything everything Donald Trump is espousing.

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