2 thoughts on “Comedic ‘Fiddler’ Uses Clever Staging”

  1. I saw the show this weekend and it was amazing. Definitely laughed more than I thought I would. My favorite was Sheira Stein as Fruma Sarah!

  2. Eric George Tauber

    “Sunrise, Sunset” has become a staple of Jewish weddings, as ubiquitous as stomping on the glass. At my own wedding, one of our guests happened to be an opera singer. So, of course we recruited him. I later sang this song at the engagement party of a friend’s daughter, modifying the lyrics to be about them.

    The show itself can be a great teaching tool not only for our own people but for others as well. The Palestinian propaganda machine has done a great job of pushing the false narrative of Jews as a colonizing power. And many non-Jews buy it because they simply don’t know any better. But the ending of this show couldn’t make it more clear. We were never a colonizing power. We were never the ones on horseback with flashing swords. We were refugees. We came back to The Land with little more than what we could carry, and we rebuilt a wasteland with hard work and limited resources. We will not give it up, nor will we let anyone take it away from us.

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