NBC editor slams CPAC after group denies Nazis attended: ‘The Nazis introduced themselves’

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Raw Story

Donald Trump headlined at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) where there were several Nazis reportedly in attendance, but the group has emphatically denied it. Still, an editor at NBC is ready to debunk the group’s false claims using photos. The news outlet reported the Nazi allegation on Saturday, saying that they “mingled openly at CPAC” while they spread “antisemitic conspiracy theories” and find allies. “The presence of these extremists has been a persistent issue at CPAC, and in previous years conference organizers have ejected well-known Nazis and white supremacists such…

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2 thoughts on “NBC editor slams CPAC after group denies Nazis attended: ‘The Nazis introduced themselves’”

    1. Wow you support a person who helped stoke and encourage the Jan. 6, 2020 insurrection. The FIRST time the losing presidential candidate would not accept the will of the people. You support a man who helped take away the right of women to decide for themselves whether or not to have an abortion. Do you know that as Jews we believe in the right of a woman to choose for herself about what she does or does not do with her body? You support a man who cozies up to the Nazis, as well as to many right-wing fascistic organizations? You support a man who helped put 5 African American (Central Park Five) youth into prison on false charges – only to be exonerated years after they spent time in prison. You support a man who along with his father openly discriminated against African-Americans being able to rent apts. from them in the 1970s and early 80s? An apology means nothing from this habitual liar. You support a man loves Putin an autocratic leader who invaded Ukraine where my ancestors came from? You support a man who raped a woman, who cheated NY tax payers (like myself)? Should I continue?

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