27 thoughts on “Rep. Sara Jacobs Votes Against Antisemitism Awareness Act”

  1. Pingback: 'Fix this': House Republicans spread theory Mike Johnson just outlawed the New Testament - San Diego Jewish World

  2. First, I would like to thank Ms. Jacobs for her vote of support last week in getting aid to where it is desperately needed. Although the reason she voted the way she did was to support aid getting into Gaza, at least she voted in favor, and democracy and civilization in the Middle East was, for the time being, supported.

    Regarding Ms. Jacob’s vote on HR 6090, it’s unfortunate, but not at all unexpected, that Ms. Jacobs continues to vote against supporting Jews, hiding behind what is framed as her “balanced” perspective.

    I suspect had the bill been in support of anti-gay or anti-black or anti-just-about-any-other-discrimination-against-a-group-of-people-based-on-race, religion,or sexual preference or identification, there would be no concerns about the “stifling of free speech” (the non-sensical “reason” being cited for the nay vote, and as if any of the organized campus takeovers have anything to do with free speech) and Ms. Jacob’s would have been a champion.

    But if it’s about Jews – predictably – not so much. It’s quite a shame. She’s an embarrassment to the tribe, really.

    And I expect her response to these comments, if any, will be more of the same. That she’s trying so hard to be balanced in her perspective and that those of us impacted by her voting behaviors are somehow to blame for calling her out on her detrimental voting record. We are the ones who simply can’t understand.

    All we see, Ms. Jacobs, is you leaning far, far away from us so as to be disassociated.

    Someone should let her know – they are coming for the Jews, Ms. Jacobs. It’s happening all around us. You are and will have been one of the Capos – and your blood is as Jewish as ours.

  3. Sara voted against H.R. 6090, because it fails to effectively address the very real rise of antisemitism, all while defunding colleges and universities across the country and punishing many, if not all, of the non-violent protestors speaking out against the Israeli military’s conduct. Conflating free speech and hate crimes will not make Jewish students any safer. This bill would stifle First Amendment rights to free speech and free assembly. And it would distract from real antisemitism and our efforts to address it.”

    In the popular image, politicians are thought of as clueless, manipulative, dishonest, incompetent and corrupt, taking money in exchange for goods or services, rather than working for the general public good. Sounds like Sara on many levels. Who voted for her?

  4. Let me also remind our readers of one other backstabbing vote for the jewish community.

    Her refusal to sign against South Africa’s genocidal claims and her vote against funding restrictions targeting Iranian terrorism have also fueled skepticism about her commitment to Jewish interests. YET AGAIN SHE DIDN’T HELP OUR PLIGHT AS WE ARE IN A STRUGGLE FOR OUR VERY OWN EXISTENCE.

    She’s persuaded by the extreme left, evidenced by her frequent travels to Qatar and calls for ceasefires without any release of our hostages.



  5. Andrew Here is the text of the bill, H. R. 6090, as it was introduced on Oct. 26 in the House of Representatives by a bipartisan group of 11 members of Congress, including three who are Jews: Congressmen Josh Gottheimer (D-New Jersey), Jared Moskowitz (D-Florida,) and David Kustoff (R-Tennessee).
    I guess these Jews who introduced it are very right wing !
    Don your editing was poor making it sound that only Mike lawyer was the lead sponsor . I had to read thru the whole article to see that wasn’t accurate
    Bottom line vote and support bill wells . He is a good man and very supportive of the Jewish community ..

  6. With her grand parents money Sara feels privileged. She didn’t achieve anything but just buys her way in with “donations “ from her family associates bussiness like qualcomm. Just check it.
    Sara, money can’t buy decency. You should work on this one! We still remember Haman, after all these years. Jews would remember your shameful votes too.

  7. I’m proud Sara voted against the bill. The IHRA definition of antisemtism is so focused on interpersonal hatred it misses the institutional and systemic nature of antisemitism that sets Jews up as scapegoats. Also, critique of Israeli policy is not antisemitism.

    I’m worried that so many of my Jewish brothers and sisters are aligning with the Right. Conservatives fuel neo-nazis and real antisemitism (think Charlottesville and Pittsburgh). These are scary times to be Jewish, but allying ourselves with conservatives is not going to keep us safe. Christians United for Israel (CUFI) doesn’t care about Jews. They’ve got their hearts set on bringing about the Rapture, at which point they only care for those who accept Jesus. Doesn’t sound like they’ve got my back, nor yours.

    1. There’s a big difference between criticism of specific acts or policies like saying “I don’t agree with the settlements”, or “Netanyahu should be replaced” and “zionists are pigs” or even the completely false rallying call that “Israel is committing genocide”.

      The people who are condemning Israel are not also condemning the actual genocides happening around the world, like the Uyghurs in China, what’s happening in Sudan, Ethiopia, Armenia, etc. They’re only criticizing Israel and holding Israel to a standard that no other nation in the world is held to- that is most definitely antisemitic. I really recommend that you read Noa Tishby’s book “Israel, a simple guide to the most misunderstood country on earth”, and Bari Weiss’ “How to fight antisemitism” and then come back and we can have a real discussion.

  8. Janene Scurfield

    I hope the people of San Diego know Sara Jacobs’ beliefs and vote her out next election.

  9. Sara, when we protests long from the river to the sea what does that actually mean to you? Or when kids all over the United States chant this

    And beat Jewish students how does that resonate with you? Do you even care about the Jewish future? Where is your concern? I would gladly welcome your opinions. Go ahead I’m waiting. Actually come for Shabbat dinner. Lets discuss.

  10. Sara Jacobs is not a Jew, she just looks Jewish. Ivanka Trump is a real Jew even though she doesn’t look like one. Shame on you Sara Jacobs, you don’t deserve our votes!

  11. Here we are again hurt and disappointed by Sara. How much longer do we have to keep entrusting her to constanly be disappointed in her? Jews of San Diego, she was the only one who did not vote in favor of this bill!

  12. Oh… not the story of how Sara was called “kike” again… She must be underestimating Jewish intelligence and think with this story she can justify her disgraceful vote. Suddenly when it came to making a tougher consequence for jew haters you have become a protector of freedom of speech. When they start killing Jews you would become an ardent defender of second amendment?
    Bill Wells represent everything you are not. He is honest, smart, empathetic and cares about community.

  13. Ortal Elkayam

    So sad . I really think it’s ignorance and you probably don’t understand what you’re doing

  14. At least she is consistent in her views and voting. There is no doubt that Sara Jacobs is a threat to American Jewish community and to American society overall. Promoting hate, bias and violence is just wrong! She shouldn’t be elected again! Cast your vote and vote for Bill Wells! Let’s make sure Sara Jacobs is out!

  15. Ones again Sara Jacobs shows her stand against Jewish community! We don’t know her motives: to please the “squad “ or pro-Palestinian voters, or something else. The facts are clear: she betrayed us. We must vote her out!

  16. It’s apparent that Sara Jacobs votes in line with the Squad members as she has turned her back on the Jewish community unlike Bill Wells, who openly and proudly supports the Jewish community. I can’t say I’m not surprised by her dangerous support of antisemitism. Sara Jacob’s must go ASAP!

  17. Miriam Gershenson

    Honestly, I have no words. The sadness and disappointment in my heart has no words to say or write. I look forward to voting day so I could literally vote for anyone else to take her place.

  18. The first article that was written was friend or foe? We know based on Sara’s voting record she is no friend to the Jewish community and to Israel. Not to mention that Israel is doing the work for all of the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. It’s truly heartbreaking that this one she could not vote yes and yet again she voted against us! There are consequences for her actions. History is doomed to repeat itself if we do not learn from the past. Her time has come and we must vote differently. Sara Jacobs’ repeated poor decisions erode trust in her leadership. Sara doesn’t believe Anti zionism is antisemitism, really? When Jewish students feel threated at higher education, she doesn’t speak up. When jewish students are accosted and locked out of their classrooms. I will remind our readers that Sara graduated from Columbia and she’s seeing students being bullied and harassed. Does she not care? Does it not keep her up at hight? Appearantly not! We still have 134 hostages and we are experiencing the alarming rate of antisemitsm. Its been almost seven months of absolute hell. Really? And she doesn’t speak up for the Jews. Again, it always starts with the Jews but it never ends with the Jews. Once again, saddned but not surprised. We trusted her with an enourmous responsibility and she back stabbed us time and time again. ITS TIME FOR CHANGE!! BYE BYE SARA JACOBS!!!

  19. By voting NO on the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023, Congresswoman Sara Jacobs has exercised her 1st Amendment rights. No one restricts her right to speak. However, you exercise your right to free speech, but you are not free from its consequences. We, the People, will now have to show her the door. Our Representative lacks leadership when it comes to establishing a distinction between right and wrong.

  20. Lawrence Leblanc

    Again, like I’ve said before, Sarah Jacob’s always votes, like clockwork – against Jews and Israel. With friends like her, who needs enemies ?

    1. Miri Benishai

      Despicable!! What a disgrace! We won’t forget!! You’ll be voted out!!

  21. Donald H. Harrison

    The following e-mailed comments were received by San Diego Jewish World which I as editor pass along in the interest of presenting a range of Jewish (and occasionally non-Jewish) opinion:


    On Wednesday,

    Christians United for Israel

    (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization released the following statement upon the House of Representatives’ advancement of the Antisemitism Awareness Act:

    “CUFI has supported this legislation since 2016 and we welcome its passage through the House, especially at a time when colleges are being overtaken by outside, pro-Hamas, antisemitic agitators.

    “We are grateful to Speaker Johnson (R-LA), Reps. Lawler (R-NY), Gottheimer (D-NJ), Miller (R-OH), and Moskowitz (D-FL), for their steadfast leadership in support of this measure. We look forward to Majority Leader Schumer advancing this common-sense bipartisan legislation through the Senate, where it enjoys more than 30 cosponsors, without delay.”

    With more than 10 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its educational message.

    The CUFI Action Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)(4), nonpartisan organization, is the policy arm of the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The Action Fund is dedicated to ensuring our elected officials hear the perspective of the millions of Christian Zionists across the country.


    U.S. Rep. Scott Peters (D-San Diego)

    : “The recent rise in antisemitism on college campuses and our country is abhorrent and the worst I have seen in my lifetime. This bill clearly defines antisemitism as, ‘a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.’ No one should object to this definition.

    “This moment calls for all of us to condemn and act to end antisemitism and hate. I am particularly appalled by the conflation of the actions of the Israeli government and the Jewish people. I have stated my own concerns about how Israel has carried out its offensive in Gaza and fully support people exercising their First Amendment rights to criticize Israel’s actions. This bill will not limit that right.

    “While I voted for this legislation, I wish the process to get here was more collaborative. At a time when we should be unified against antisemitism, some are leveraging the moment to further a partisan agenda and polarize our country. There is much more that needs to be done to combat antisemitism, like increasing funding for the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, so that the Department can expeditiously investigate and address allegations of antisemitism on college campuses. Our work to stop antisemitism cannot end with our vote today. We must follow up with the resources needed to enforce our antidiscrimination and anti-harassment laws.”

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