2 thoughts on “YIVO Exhibit, ‘Runaway Husbands, Desperate Families’ Resonates”

  1. Michelle Etlin

    Dr. Neustein’s excellent article about the laudable efforts made by Jewish social service agencies in the early 20th Century made me long for bygone times. Keeping children with loving mothers is so important, not just to Jews but to all families. The Jewish Board got it right, and that was 100 years ago! As co-author of a book (Rosen, L and Etlin, M, The Hostage Child, Indiana Univ. Press, Bloomington, IN, 1996), I have been witness to (and exhaustively researched 261 cases of) how seriously and dangerously the laws put in place thanks to the efforts of well meaning child advocates a century ago have at times been corrupted and misinterpreted to produce outcomes never intended. The sad truth is that now, it is actually very risky, in today’s climate in American family courts, for a good, loving mother to approach the state (or even private) agencies and family courts for help. Various powerful lobbying groups have managed to substitute false and even absurd “blame narratives” against mothers who need assistance from family courts and they may end up losing their children rather than obtaining desperately needed help. It is time for our Jewish agencies to begin to address THIS problem and to lead the way for the state agencies and courts to better protect children and their loving mothers — TIKUN OLAM demands this from us in the name of the next generation.

  2. menachem young

    Brilliant and eloquently articulated account of a very dark occurrences in our Jewish legacy. Surely, much work must be done to prevent the wanton extraction of a child from his home. Jews of all stripes must rally to the cause of preventing this from happening ever again. Leadership and hallowed Rabbinic authorities must intervene.

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