American Jewish Committee’s Israel Update: June 24, 2024

1 thought on “American Jewish Committee’s Israel Update: June 24, 2024”

  1. Donald H. Harrison

    Comment sent to included the following:

    The Community Security Service (CSS), the leading Jewish community-based security organization in the United States, expressed deep concern today over the level of antisemitism and anti-Israel hostility that has afflicted the Los Angeles Jewish community over the past 24 hours, which has included the blocking of congregants from entering a synagogue, intimidation, violence, and antisemitic harassment.

    Richard Priem, CSS CEO, issued the following statement:

    “The intimidation, harassment and violence against the Jewish community of Los Angeles serves as a wake up call to elected officials and law enforcement across the country that anti-Jewish animus poses a tangible threat to society. We commend our local and national elected officials for their strong condemnations. At the same time, we call on the authorities to step up even more in the protection of Jewish institutions.

    While we are experiencing an increased interest in community engagement following the October 7th attacks in Israel, the Jewish community must begin to adopt a more proactive role in its own protection. A prerequisite for our safety is the direct involvement of the members themselves playing a role in security – a cultural mindset of which Jewish communities outside of the United States have adopted for decades.

    The recent events taking place in LA and across the country in the wake of the October 7th attacks – which are producing a high sense of vulnerability across the Jewish denominational spectrum – must prompt more tangible action. We remain committed to empowering and training the community to do just that.”


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