5 thoughts on “OpEd: Pro-Israel Volunteers Needed to Counter Paid Pro-Hamas Students”

  1. Jennifer Barber

    I attended a city council meeting in Oceanside and there were probably a dozen Palestinian protesters there as well. I’d be happy to join the effort to attend and speak up at these meetings.

  2. Miriam,

    Thank you for your honest observations. I’m in my 18th year of serving the City of San Marcos, these “students” refuse to listen when I’ve told them that we have a legislative platform that spells out what type of actions we will spend time reviewing on our agenda, it specifically says “ the City will not address matters that are not pertinent to the City’s local government services such as social or international issues.” These protesters admitted that they know it would be symbolic but I told them in no in no uncertain terms that it will not be added to our agenda. This bullying behavior does not work on true public servants, I will remain committed to serving all San Marcos residents and doing so in a fair manner that makes all residents feel valued and included, I will not be deviating from my values in service to placate these activists no matter how much they yell, demean or disrespect me. I have been elected 5 times and know that the value of true inclusive practices are something that all residents value, it has been the hallmark of the success of San Marcos. Here is the legislative platform that was unanimously approved this year proving on page one in the bottom paragraph our long standing policy- https://sanmarcos.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=F&ID=12595192&GUID=9B40E8FC-B527-4A41-BD0D-C807A3EB93B1.
    In service to all,

    1. Miriam Gershenson

      Mayor Jones,

      I cannot express how honored I feel that you took the time to respond to me both publicly and privately.

      I thank you for staying true and committed on the city stance and focusing on city issues. I further appreciate your leadership of coming from a place of inclusion instead of exclusion.

      While I understand that you have had worse bullying in the past and it comes with the job, I still extend my sympathy as it is uncalled for and undeserved.

      Thank you for all you do!

  3. It makes perfect sense. I think they know very well which cities they can get a resolution. Even if they don’t know, they get an idea after 1-2 times. Yet they keep coming again and again. I think their main goal is to use the city council as a propaganda stage to spread lies against Israel (their code word for Jews)..
    This why Jews should come and counter their lies. This takes time but without countering it and calling it out people will just accept it must be true if no one opposes this.

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