3 thoughts on “Satire: Abate the Debate”

  1. Perhaps the rules could allow Biden to stand next to Aaron while holding his staff toward the commentator.

  2. Oy, Deny, deflect, and spin: typical rhetoric for deniers of Biden’s foibles. . Debates aren’t productive?. BS; they are held to highlight the candidates prowess for being able to think cognitively and coherently, under duress. Biden proved that he is incompetent – did his handlers withhold his Alzheimer’s medications? (Memantine and Aricept (Donepeziil) are the gold standards for dementia.) While his medical history is protected by HIPPA, the sitting president’s medical history is germane to the public, keeping it “secret” is not an option. The Democrat Party could, and should have groomed a viable candidate when Biden started showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease, more than four years ago while he was campaigning for office.

    1. Perhaps you misread the title of the piece. Key word was Satire. Are you comments also meant as Satire?

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