4 thoughts on “Louis Towne, Cantor, Medical Doctor, World Traveler, Laid to Rest”

  1. Pingback: More on the Life of Dr. Cantor Louis Towne, z"l - San Diego Jewish World

  2. Robert J. Berton

    My condolences on the passing of Lou. As undergraduates at UCLA, we were fraternity brothers at AEPi. Lou went away to medical school, while I went to Law School. We did not meet again until we were both looking to buy homes in a new tract at the top of Del Cerro. We met while we were walking through the model home. My Mother was with me at the model home, and she immediately recognized Lou, because my Mother had been a chaperone for certain events at AEPi.
    I often heard many good things about Lou. I know that his life was a blessing to his wife, his children, his family, friends, and patients.

  3. Cailin, beautiful. You covered the funeral with the heartfelt words that were well received. We knew Lou for over 50 years. He actually tutored two of our daughters for their Bat Mitzvahs. He will be missed.

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