By Rabbi Simcha Weiser
SAN DIEGO — In Parshat Balak, King Balak hires the prophet Balaam to curse the People of Israel, fearing their growing strength. However, despite his intentions, Balaam ends up blessing the Israelites instead.
For Jewish educators, this parsha serves as a reminder of the resilience and potential within every student. Just as Balaam’s curses were transformed into blessings, in order for educators to bring out the best in their students, they are called to help their students turn challenges into opportunities and strengths.
The parsha highlights the importance of perspective in Jewish education. Balaam’s initial view of the Israelites was skewed by Balak’s fear and prejudice. However, when Balaam observed the Israelites’ camp, he was moved to bless them, recognizing their unity and moral integrity.
Today, as we teach and guide our children, we have the chance to open their eyes to the beauty inherent within every person, and within themselves. In doing so, we enable them to be builders of a better future.
As we enter Shabbat tonight, let us rededicate ourselves to this mission. May we work together to pass on Jewish unity and morality to our children at our school and in our community.
Rabbi Weiser is the retiring head of school at San Diego Hebrew Day School.