2 thoughts on “Jewish Democrats of America Applaud Biden, Endorse Harris”

  1. John Mc Cormick

    We will see How Adam Schiff and other politicians will be held accountable for their continued blindsiding of the international community over the health status of Biden and ability or otherwise of VP Harris to lead the USA and for her to be the democrat candidate in the General election on Nov 5.
    I am watching the head of the secret service speaking at congress. I don’t think there is a person in the country who can do a proper review of the attempted assassination of Donald trump and present an independent complete review of what happened and why the efforts of the US Secret Service to Protect Donald Trump Failed.
    I therefore nominate the recently retired Commissioner of New Zealand Police., Commissioner Mike Bush to lead the inquiry into the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.
    Right now he is conducting an Inquiry Into why environment authorities failed to protect the town of Wairoa from the flooding of 400 houses beyond repair in the recent flooding of the river that flows through the town. Protecting the town is something they have done for many decades.
    The international community cannot have any confidence in the Secret Service doing its job in our countries when senior American Officials visit our countries. My first experience of the Secret Service was the visit of President Johnson when i was a schoolboy in Wellington. He was here talking to Prime Minister Holyoke asking for more troops for Vietnam. My second was the visit of your then secretary of defence when he attended a SEATO Conference in Wellington. I sang your National Anthem At the conference as a member of the Scots College school Choir.
    New Zealand and Australia often bring Judges, or senior Police or Military officers from other countries to conduct Independent Inquiries.
    I hope the inquiry is done properly.

  2. Donald H. Harrison

    Burbank, California — Adam Schiff released the following statement in response to President Biden’s announcement today:

    “President Joe Biden will leave office with a legacy unlike any other modern president.

    “Taking the reins in the throes of an unprecedented pandemic, Joe Biden spearheaded our economic recovery and saved the lives of millions. He worked diligently to pass the most effective, progressive legislation in the last half century – all while rebuilding our alliances abroad and our standing around the globe. He has accomplished more in one term than most presidents do in two and he will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents of our time.

    “Joe Biden has always put the country first and he did so again today, after more than 50 years of tremendous service. Thank you, Mr. President.

    “Now it’s time for all of us to unite behind Vice President Harris. I am excited to endorse her campaign for President — she has the judgment, experience, leadership, and tenacity to take on and defeat Donald Trump. I worked with her when she was our Attorney General, Senator, and Vice President, and I can’t wait to work with her as President. There is no better matchup than this superb former prosecutor against this convicted criminal, and she’ll prosecute the case against Trump every single day.

    “The stakes are high, and we must focus all our energy on electing Kamala Harris and defeating Donald Trump.”

    American Jewish Committee: Lifelong friend of Israel and the Jewish people, @POTUS Joe Biden has been – and remains – a consequential President, standing with Israel as it fights back against terror, pursuing regional integration and peace, putting forward an ambitious all-of-government plan to combat antisemitism, and defending threatened democracies and democratic values against the forces of tyranny.

    AJC, a nonpartisan organization, honors President Biden’s service and wishes him good health and – for the good of our country and our world – wishes him success as he completes his term in office.

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