3 thoughts on “Netanyahu Lays Out Vision for Gaza, Broader Middle East”

  1. Eric George Tauber

    Bibi said, “Gaza should have a civilian administration run by Palestinians who do not seek to destroy Israel — That is not too much to ask!”
    He’s right. That is not too much to ask.
    But is it too much to expect?
    Good luck finding the Gazans who prioritize building Gaza over destroying Israel.

  2. Donald H. Harrison

    Commentary received by email on Netanyahu’s speech:

    U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida) said:

    “Prime Minister Netanyahu rightly recognized the overwhelming support the Biden-Harris Administration and bipartisan Members of Congress provided Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7th attack. He underscored the utter horror of that day and how Israel needs to protect itself and end the terror threat posed by Hamas. I was also glad to hear the Prime Minister enunciate the need for a post-war plan in Gaza, including civilian governance, demilitarization and deradicalization, as well as our mutual interest in confronting Iranian sponsorship of terror against both our nations. I also appreciated his focus on both the need to bring the remaining hostages home, and our shared interest to confront the rising scourge of antisemitism worldwide. When I escorted him to his speech, I urged the Prime Minister to continue to work and affirm his commitment to achieving the Biden-Harris peace framework and secure the release of the hostages, including eight Americans. Unfortunately, I left his speech still seeking more details on what his plan is to deliver on those goals, and thought it was unnecessary for him to inject comment on U.S. domestic politics. Securing a lasting peace deal that brings the hostages home and ending the terrorist threat that lives on Israel’s doorstep is paramount.”

    Beth Miller, Political Director, Jewish Voice for Peace:
    “Netanyahu’s speech was a nauseating display of genocidal racism and lies. But let’s be clear: today revealed the demise of the bipartisan consensus on Israel. Over 130 Democrats boycotted Netanyahu’s speech. In a desperate attempt to make this authoritarian leader appear popular, seats were filled with guests, rather than elected officials. The far-right agenda of groups like AIPAC that seek to back Israel’s crimes against humanity are growing more toxic by the day, and the will of American voters who want a human-rights centered foreign policy is breaking through.”

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