Jewish Trivia Quiz: J.D. Vance

By Mark D. Zimmerman
Mark D. Zimmerman
J.D. Vance (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

MELVILLE, New York — Donald ‍Trump ‍selected ‍author ‍and ‍Senator ‍J. ‍D. ‍Vance ‍as ‍his ‍running ‍mate. ‍Vance ‍has ‍been ‍outspoken ‍in ‍support ‍of ‍Israel, ‍favoring ‍ongoing ‍financial ‍and ‍military ‍support ‍to ‍Israel ‍despite ‍generally ‍being ‍an ‍“American ‍First” ‍isolationist. ‍He ‍has ‍spoken ‍out ‍against ‍antisemitism, ‍saying ‍“If ‍you ‍beat ‍up ‍a ‍Jew ‍and ‍don’t ‍face ‍consequences, ‍the ‍attacks ‍will ‍continue ‍and ‍get ‍worse.” ‍But ‍he ‍has ‍also ‍warned ‍of ‍an ‍immigrant ‍“invasion,” ‍echoing ‍the ‍right ‍wing ‍replacement ‍theory ‍that ‍claims ‍Jews ‍are ‍behind ‍efforts ‍to ‍replace ‍whites ‍with ‍minorities ‍in ‍America. ‍Also, ‍he ‍echoed ‍another ‍antisemitic ‍trope ‍in ‍invoking ‍the ‍name ‍of ‍Holocaust ‍survivor ‍George ‍Soros, ‍the ‍billionaire ‍supporter ‍of ‍liberal ‍causes ‍who ‍many ‍on ‍the ‍far ‍right ‍hold ‍up ‍as ‍a ‍Jewish ‍puppet ‍master ‍trying ‍to ‍destroy ‍the ‍“Christian ‍social ‍order.” ‍How ‍did ‍Vance ‍invoke ‍George ‍Soros’s ‍name ‍in ‍this ‍way?

A.‍ ‍“Let’s ‍say ‍Roe ‍vs. ‍Wade ‍is ‍overruled, ‍Ohio ‍bans ‍abortion ‍in ‍2022 ‍– ‍let’s ‍say ‍2024. ‍Then ‍every ‍day, ‍George ‍Soros ‍sends ‍a ‍747 ‍to ‍Columbus ‍to ‍load ‍up ‍disproportionately ‍Black ‍women ‍to ‍get ‍them ‍to ‍go ‍have ‍abortions ‍in ‍California. ‍Of ‍course, ‍the ‍left ‍will ‍celebrate ‍this ‍as ‍a ‍victory…”
‍B.‍ ‍“Since ‍Barack ‍Obama ‍was ‍elected ‍in ‍2008, ‍the ‍Democrats ‍have ‍worked ‍to ‍take ‍God ‍out ‍of ‍our ‍Constitution. ‍So ‍now, ‍picture ‍that ‍George ‍Soros ‍will ‍send ‍a ‍747 ‍to ‍Louisiana ‍to ‍pick ‍up ‍all ‍the ‍Ten ‍Commandments ‍that ‍are ‍on ‍the ‍walls ‍of ‍their ‍schools. ‍Of ‍course, ‍the ‍left ‍will ‍celebrate ‍this ‍as ‍a ‍victory…”
‍C.‍ ‍“Let’s ‍say ‍that ‍Joe ‍Biden ‍and ‍the ‍Squad ‍just ‍ignore ‍the ‍2nd ‍amendment. ‍Before ‍you ‍know ‍it, ‍George ‍Soros ‍will ‍be ‍sending ‍a ‍747 ‍to ‍Texas ‍to ‍load ‍up ‍all ‍the ‍guns ‍that ‍decent ‍people ‍need ‍to ‍stay ‍safe ‍from ‍the ‍illegals ‍pouring ‍over ‍the ‍border. ‍Of ‍course, ‍the ‍left ‍will ‍celebrate ‍this ‍as ‍a ‍victory…”
‍D.‍ ‍“The ‍liberals ‍have ‍filled ‍our ‍libraries ‍with ‍sex ‍books ‍for ‍kids, ‍DEI ‍manuals, ‍and ‍critical ‍race ‍theory ‍textbooks. ‍If ‍Donald ‍Trump ‍and ‍I ‍don’t ‍win ‍in ‍November, ‍you ‍can ‍be ‍sure ‍that ‍George ‍Soros ‍will ‍be ‍sending ‍a ‍747 ‍to ‍all ‍the ‍libraries ‍in ‍the ‍country ‍to ‍take ‍away ‍the ‍Bible, ‍not ‍to ‍mention ‍all ‍the ‍copies ‍of ‍‍Hillbilly ‍Elegy‍. ‍Of ‍course, ‍the ‍left ‍will ‍celebrate ‍this ‍as ‍a ‍victory…”
‍E.‍ ‍“In ‍2012, ‍Joe ‍Biden ‍led ‍the ‍country ‍to ‍gay ‍marriage, ‍and ‍that ‍has ‍moved ‍the ‍country ‍into ‍more ‍genders ‍than ‍we ‍can ‍keep ‍count ‍of. ‍Soon ‍they’ll ‍be ‍banning ‍straight ‍marriage ‍and ‍taxing ‍us ‍for ‍having ‍children. ‍You ‍watch–George ‍Soros ‍will ‍be ‍loading ‍an ‍ark ‍with ‍two ‍of ‍every ‍kind ‍of ‍creepy ‍left-wing ‍animal. ‍There’ll ‍be ‍2 ‍childless ‍cat ‍ladies, ‍2 ‍naked ‍mole ‍men, ‍2 ‍golden ‍doodleboys, ‍2 ‍tufted ‍titmouse ‍men, ‍2 ‍pygmy ‍hippopotami ‍girls, ‍2 ‍black ‍widow ‍bimbos, ‍2 ‍two-toed ‍sloth ‍harlots.‍ ‍Of ‍course, ‍the ‍left ‍will ‍celebrate ‍this ‍as ‍a ‍victory…”
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Mark D. Zimmerman is the author of a series of Jewish trivia books, under the title RASHI, RAMBAM and RAMALAMADINGDONG: A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun.