JFS Unveils Liebermensch Facility for Families Living in Cars

L to R: CEO Michael Hopkins, Zita Liebermensch, Mayor Todd Gloria, and CEO Designate/COO Dana Toppel. (Photo: Jewish Family Service of San Diego)

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — The Liebermensch Family Comfort Facility was unveiled at the Jewish Family Service of San Diego Joan & Irwin Jacobs Campus on July 14. Featuring ADA-accessible showers, baby changing stations and full-sized restrooms, the facility is a clean, safe, welcoming space for children and adults staying in the lot overnight as part of the Safe Parking Program.

Many in the program are experiencing homelessness for the first time. Having a dignified space to care for children or get ready for work is a crucial step in building self-esteem and brighter futures. Jewish Family Service of San Diego operates six Safe Parking Program lots located throughout San Diego County, seven nights a week, 365 days a year. These lots serve nearly 1,500 individuals per year, providing a safe place to sleep in a vehicle overnight in addition to case management, employment resources and other forms of support toward more secure housing.

Preceding provided by Jewish Family Service of San Diego.