2 thoughts on “A Short History of Jewish Self-Hatred”

  1. Has anyone seen the website
    jtf.org Jewish Task Force
    JTF by Chaim Ben Pesach
    Updated Every Wednesday
    It’s a Superb Pro-Israel website

  2. The last paragraph should have been the first.

    The academic discussion about Jewish self-hatred is meaningless after the reality of the mini-Holocaust of October 7. Jews, right, left, academic, hedonistic, religious, or atheist, were slaughtered equally and will be slaughtered equally everywhere again if the bitter reminder lessons of Oct. 7 are not heeded.

    “Yidden,” wake up, smell the coffee, sift the ashes. The “Goldene Medina” has become infected by the Jews Jewish self-hatred.

    Zionism is simply Jews being tired of being victims. If a Jew must fight and die for something, Jews will fight and die in and for their own land.

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