2 thoughts on “Kamala Harris’ Challenge with Jewish Voters”

  1. Mr. Klinger, Thank you for sharing. Unless you’re a different Jerry Klinger, I appreciate the work you have done on behalf of the Jewish people, and anyone can learn a great deal by reading your work. I have no doubt that many Trump supporters are helpful to Jews, and that does not account for Trump voters who are not. If I lived most of my life in Rockville or Boynton Beach, I would probably reach the same conclusions. Have you ever spent time with Trump supporters in Lebanon, Pa., or elsewhere in central Pa. or any small towns 70 miles or more away from a major metropolitan area? It is horrible. They do not care what you have to say or do. If you are not a white Christian, you are the enemy. “That Jew!” I overheard a few times. There was the waitress who asked if I wanted a HAM SANDWICH!!!! This kind of treatment was often the rule, not the exception, and I have heard these complaints from other Jews outside metro areas. Actually, antisemitism in rural areas is worth studying. I guess my personal experience is where I get my “personal bias.” I would also appreciate that you not put words in my mouth. Where did I say 1/2 the country is deplorable? I wouldn’t say that. Most of the antisemitism on the Left is driven by those in the Middle East disputes. Much of their strength comes from convincing well-meaning people that Israel is the villain. You could describe them as misguided, or more negatively, useful idiots. I think those kinds of people can change their minds if there is smart outreach. By the way, I don’t drink coffee.

  2. Having spent much time with and talking to Trump supporters, Ticker’s personal bias and very wrong generalization has to be condemned.

    Bottom line, he is saying, as Hillary Clinton disgustingly said, 1/2 of the country is deplorable.

    His whole article is about his and American Jews’ sudden realization of vicious, violent, pernicious antisemitism that is institutionalized inside the Democrat Party for a very long time.

    He is not smelling the coffee he is brewing for himself. It’s on the stove burning.

    (Ticker wrote):

    “For those who have spent time with Trump’s most loyal voters, you know what is missing from Trump’s words: These people are among the most obstinate racists and antisemites anywhere in America. You cannot talk to them. They won’t talk to you if you try. In their view, Blacks are hardened criminals and Jews are Christ-killers.”

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