2 thoughts on “‘Velour’ Educates While Entertaining at the La Jolla Playhouse”

  1. The last sentence of Sandi’s story said that she understood that lip syncing is a major part of drag shows. So she did do her homework!

  2. When reviewing a performance within a community one is not a part of, it’s important to research and respect the culture, even if it’s new or foreign. The show was promoted as a drag show, and the curtain speech confirmed it. Lip syncing is a major part of drag shows, comprising about 99% of the performance, so saying “There was a bit too much lip syncing” shows ignorance. A typical drag show involves multiple lip-sync numbers with no underlying story, but this show had a unique throughline story. Saying “I would have liked more storytelling and less lip syncing” essentially means that drag shows aren’t your thing, and that’s okay. As a cisgender heterosexual woman, this may not be for you, and that’s fine. But as a guest in this space, it’s essential to show respect and understanding of our culture.

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