Satire: RFK Jr.’s Cabinet Post

By Laurie Baron

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign and endorsed Donald Trump.  It is rumored that Trump, who previously referred to Kennedy as a “radical left liberal,” has promised Kennedy a post in his administration. Here’s some positions he would be qualified to hold:

–Director of NASA’s study of wormholes.

–Chair of a commission to investigate the assassination of John F. Kennedy to ascertain if the CIA was hired by the Bush and Clinton families to eliminate a competing political dynasty.

–Head of a renamed CDC, Center for Disease Contagion, charged with banning all vaccines and prosecuting Anthony Fauci for injecticide. In this position he will also be empowered to investigate if anti-Depressants rather than guns are responsible for mass shootings.

Special Prosecutor of the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jewish creators who engineered it to spare them and kill African Americans.  

— One other possibility is that Trump may replace Vance with Kennedy as his running mate to attract more moderate voters.


Laurie Baron is professor emeritus at San Diego State University.

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