1 thought on “Kamala Harris: Murders of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Others Demonstrate Hamas’ Depravity”

  1. Donald H. Harrison

    Comments and Reactions:

    Halie Sofer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America: We are devastated, outraged, and heartbroken to learn that Hamas murdered six hostages in cold blood, including American citizen Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Our hearts break for all six families whose loved ones were ripped from them on October 7 and who waited nearly 11 months for their release, only to learn earlier today that they will never return.

    JDCA met numerous times with Jon and Rachel and shared their hope and prayers that they would be reunited with Hersh. We joined them in advocating for his release and counted with them each day that Hersh was unjustly held in Gaza.

    Today, we honor Jon and Rachel’s courage, leadership, and commitment to the return of all the hostages, and we call on Hamas to immediately release the remaining hostages and agree to a ceasefire and for the Israeli government to do everything it can to ensure the release of all remaining hostages.

    Make no mistake – Hamas is responsible for the murders of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi, Almog Sarusi, Alexander Lobanov, and Carmel Gat, just as they are responsible for the murder, rape, and abduction of more than 1,500 on October 7, and justice must and will be served.

    May the memories of those lost due to senseless terror always be a blessing, and may their families be comforted during this incredibly difficult time.

    Daniel Sokatch, CEO, New Israel Fund: We woke up this morning to the devastating news that, amidst the ongoing horror of the war in Gaza, six hostages were murdered.

    It was just a week ago that Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s parents, Rachel and Jon, spoke so passionately at the DNC about the pain that this war has brought, and about the need for an immediate ceasefire deal to see Hersh and the other hostages released.

    NIF has been supporting the Hostage and Missing Families Forum—an umbrella organization representing most of the hostages’ families—since its creation. In a statement earlier today, the Forum said that the six “were taken alive, endured the horrors of captivity, and were then murdered in cold blood.” The statement also noted that “a deal for their return has been on the table for over two months. Were it not for the political maneuvers, the excuses, and the spin, the abductees whose deaths we learned about this morning would probably be alive.”

    The forum is organizing a demonstration in Tel Aviv for tonight. A general strike has been called in Israel for tomorrow. We also know that there are events taking place in various cities in the United States. We encourage you to join these events if you are so moved.

    We are as determined as ever, even with our endlessly broken hearts, to continue to work for an end to these horrors.


    Michael Waxman-Lenz, CEO, American Technion Society: Like you, we at the American Technion Society awoke today to news that breaks our hearts. We mourn the tragic murder of six Israeli hostages held in captivity by Hamas since October 7, Hersh Goldberg-Polin z”l, Carmel Gat z”l, Ori Danino z”l, Eden Yerushalmi z”l, Alex Lobanov z”l, and Almog Sarusi z”l.

    יהי זיכרם ברוך
    May their memories be a blessing.

    With prayers for the safe and immediate return of all the remaining hostages and for the safety of Technion students, faculty, and staff serving in the IDF.

    Ted Deutch, chief executive officer, American Jewish Committee: I write to you with unimaginable grief and overwhelming sadness. Late last night we found out that six of the hostages held by Hamas were murdered and found in tunnels under Rafah in Gaza.

    Carmel Gat, 40; Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23; Eden Yerushalmi, 24; Almog Sarusi, 27; Alex Lobanov, 33; and Ori Danino, 25. May their memories be a blessing.

    Hamas and its leaders must not only be condemned throughout the world, but as President Biden said last night, they must be held accountable for the massacre they committed on October 7, for the kids, moms, dads, and grandparents they kidnapped and murdered, and for the war they started.

    But with every passing minute there is one priority that rises above all others: We must bring the hostages home, NOW.

    As I wrote on X today, “We all have a role to play in helping to reach a deal, as abhorrent as it sounds to make a deal with barbaric terrorists. We can all honor the memories of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Almog, Alex, and Ori, together with every other hostage killed by Hamas, by helping to return the remaining hostages to their loved ones.”

    Read my entire statement and my call to action for the Biden Administration, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, the UN Secretary-General and UN, world leaders from prime ministers and presidents to the Pope, and every American.

    Today, amid our tears, we are engaging American Jewish Committee’s global advocacy network with this call to action.

    Watch: On CNN earlier today, I detailed the need for global action and made sure Americans knew that seven of their fellow Americans are still being held by Hamas in Gaza.

    Over the past 11 months, AJC has steadfastly supported hostage families in their unceasing quest to push the world to free their loved ones before it’s too late.

    Their goal is our goal. It must be everyone’s goal.

    It was the parents of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Rachel and Jon, who first engaged AJC to advocate for the hostages. We started by helping them ensure that Hersh’s story was heard by leaders in D.C. and around the world. Since our early conversations with Jon and Rachel, AJC has helped more than 50 families with advocacy in Washington, D.C. and around the world.

    Our hearts are breaking for them, and the families of Carmel, Eden, Almog, Alex, and Ori. There are now 101 hostages held in Gaza.

    We cannot give up. We will not rest until every single one of them is home.

    There is no time to waste.

    Am Yisrael Chai

    Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Orthodox Union executive vice president:

    Our hearts are shattered over Hamas’ cruel murders of the six hostages – Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Eden Yerushalmi – whose bodies were recovered yesterday from Rafah. What they and their families have endured over the past eleven months of their captivity is unimaginable. In the wake of this crushing news, we pray that God grant strength to their loved ones.

    Throughout this horrific ordeal, Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg, the parents of the murdered American-Israeli hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, have carried themselves with unimaginable dignity and grace and have relentlessly stirred our hearts and stoked our consciences. In the presence of monstrous actions and inexcusable silence, theirs was a calm, firm, and consistent voice of humanity, of loving parents who would do anything for their son – or for ours. Since October 7, they brought us together and have called upon all of us, Jews and non-Jews, world leaders and regular citizens, to see the horror being inflicted upon the hostages and to address it unambiguously and effectively. We did not live up to their example. We join in their profound grief over Hersh’s death.

    This news comes together with escalating attacks and threats on Israel from the West Bank, including today’s killing of three police officers, one of whom was a bereaved father whose daughter was killed on October 7. At this difficult and dangerous time, we stand together as one with the hostages and their families, with those killed and wounded on and since October 7 and their families, with the heroic men and women of the Israel Defense Forces and their families, with the citizens of Israel, and with the Government of Israel.

    Hashem oz l’amo yitein, Hashem y’varech et amo va’shalom. May God grant strength to His people; may He bless His people with peace.


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