1 thought on “OpEd: Manger Display Unacceptably Portrays War in Gaza as a Religious One”

  1. The Church has struggled long and hard to launder the stain of antisemitism and accommodation of Hitler by Pope Pius XII during World War II. As John Cornwell’s definitive work on the subject, Hitler’s Pope makes clear; they failed. From a rapprochement of sorts between the Vatican and the Jewish people, which took place in the 60s, the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries has seen a gradual but sustained erosion of that rapprochement.

    Today, when the State of Israel and the Jewish people are facing a 1930s re-run across the globe, to offer this inexcusable insult to the Jewish nation marks a tipping point and a huge and clear shift in the Church’s position.

    It now gives credence and support to Islamist madness that Jesus was a “Palestinian” and to the screaming online mob who are foaming at the mouth over a Jewish actress playing the part of the founder of Christianity’s mother in the upcoming Netflix film “Mary.”

    The term “West Bank,” which only came about as result of Jordan’s imperialist effort to expand its borders at the cost of the Jewish State, is only as old as the State of Israel. Before the Jordanian invasion, this region was always called Judea and Samaria.

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