LA MESA, California– Boxes of Chanukah candles – check; chanukiyot cleaned and ready – check; oil, potatoes, sour cream, applesauce bought and ready – check. Phew, getting everything ready for the Eight Crazy Nights is a tough job, but someone has to do it, and in this house that someone is ME.
We are an interfaith family. I don’t like having to share my holiday on the same night as Christmas, but this year it is what it is. I always feel like Chanukah gets overlooked because there is so much commercialization of Christmas in the stores and on television. On the other hand, I do like driving home at night and seeing the houses decorated in lights, and blow-up characters; it makes it fun.
When the twins were little, I liked to start traditions, so they’d have some funny memories to look back on as they got older. When Chanukah came around, I told them about the “Chanukah fairies” and how they must be called each year on their “dreidel phones” to know to come spinning down on their dreidels to bring a gift each night.
Since my husband’s side of the family celebrates Christmas, that was where the kids would get more gifts. The Chanukah fairies brought gifts for eight nights; some nights gelt, some nights they might get a new Chanukah shirt to wear to school. But always something Chanukah related. After we lit the candles and said the brachot, I’d pull out the gifts the “fairies” left for the night, and the twins would get so excited.
As they are 12 years old now, I asked them if they still wanted me to call the Chanukah fairies and they yelled “YES!” So, I think those pesky little dudes will be “called” for a very long time. Who doesn’t like to receive a surprise for eight nights?
La Mesa Arts Academy had its “Winter Concert Performance” Tuesday, Dec. 17 under the direction of Mario Javita in the school’s auditorium. The students performed many winter classics such as “Let it Snow,” and “Baby its Cold Outside” with a male vocalist that wowed the audience with his beautiful voice. The Jazz Band “scatted” and had improvisational solos of the saxophone, electric guitar, drums, and the trumpet section/trombones that got everyone’s toes tapping.
The 7th-8th Grade Orchestra performed “Oh Chanukah” and my heart skipped a beat. During all the typical Holiday songs, the melody of “Oh Chanukah” made me pull out my phone and press the record button. I appreciate that Jewish families in the school are recognized. Forgive me if I kvell. My daughter CeCe Acosta is the fourth-chair violin with the other 7th and 8th grade violinists.
CeCe proudly wore her blue dreidel earrings with her black concert dress as they were asked to wear something festive. It was not a requirement and couldn’t be a flashy sweater or anything with glowing light bulbs.
Many students learned the instruments back in August. Javita appears to be a very involved teacher, teaching children the importance of music. I can imagine many of these talented students will go for in this elective.
Temple Emanu-El invites the community to attend its “Hanukkah Poker Night” at 7 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 21. The event includes poker, Hanukkah celebrations, snacks and beverages will be provided. Click here to register.
Chabad at Poway invites the community to attend its public menorah lighting at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 26 at North County Mall (mall entrance of Target first floor). The event will include kids crafts, singing, dancing and donuts.
Congregation Beth Israel invites the community to attend its public “Chanukiah Lighting” at 5 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 28 at the Mission Valley Mall. The event will include live entertainment by DJ Benji, family-friendly crafts, donuts and a dessert bar with treats from local eateries.
Chabad of North County Inland invites the community to attend its public menorah lighting on at 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 29 at Rancho Bernardo Town Center (to the right of the Vons). The event will include a 9-foot menorah lighting, latkes and donuts, crafts for children and musical entertainment.
San Diego Center for Jewish Culture presents its North County Lecture Series at 10:30 a.m., Monday, Jan. 6 at The Hive at Leichtag Foundation. Dr. Sarah Federman, author and associate professor at the Kroc School of Peace Studies at University of San Diego, will discuss her latest book, Last Train to Auschwitz, which explores the French National Railways’ role in deporting 76,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Click here to register.
Lawrence Family JCC and San Diego Center for Jewish Culture announce tickets are available for the San Diego International Jewish Film Festival that occurs Monday, Jan. 27 until Saturday, Feb. 8. Click here for more details.
American Jewish Committee partners with Jewish Federation of San Diego for “Standing Together,” a symposium for combating antisemitism, at 12:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 2 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. The event is free for all Jewish high schoolers. Click here to register.
San Diego Hebrew Day School’s Preschool reports its students are getting ready to celebrate Chanukah. Children worked hard on creating their own chanukiyot and learned the significance of the candles and the miracle of the oil. Kindergarten through 8th grade students celebrated Havdalah Saturday, Dec. 7 with a service under the stars with Rabbi Yitzhak and Rebbetzin Devorah Soncino chanted the blessings in Sephardic pronunciation and melodies. Rabbi Simcha Weiser concluded the evening with an inspiring message about the importance of bringing light into the world.
Chabad of Downtown reports its philanthropy link is live, and each donation will be matched for 34 hours only to reach its goal of $100,000. Click here to donate.
Hillel San Diego announces that its former Board President, Emily Jennewein will be leaving the board of directors, She messaged that she is confident that the team led by Executive Director Karen Parry and Mitch Siegler will have a successful year. She urged donations to Hillel that will be matched in a campaign to raise $175,000 by Tuesday, Dec. 31. Click here to donate.
University of California San Diego announced it will bestow its highest honors on San Diego philanthropist business leader Irwin Jacobs and his late wife Joan Jacobs, a community leader in health care and the arts. The Presidential Medals will be presented at a ceremony in March in honor of their impact on education, health care, technology and the arts, Times of San Diego reports.
Mauricio Benforado, step-father to Dan Schwarzblat, has died. The funeral and Shiva will take place in Mexico, Ohr Shalom Synagogue reports.
Mazal Glick died on Saturday, Dec. 14. The funeral was officiated by Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky of Beth Jacob Congregation on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at Home of Peace Cemetery, Am Israel Mortuary reported.
Cailin Acosta is the assistant editor of the San Diego Jewish World.
It is usually the wife who does it all. I’ve always been the one to do all the holiday stuff in our house although my husband does help me hang things that are too high for me. And he is inventive and comes up with novel ways of hanging difficult items. That’s a wonderful photo of Cece!