2 thoughts on “OpEd: Israel’s New PR Effort Hampered by Fact Netanyahu is Still PM”

  1. Clayton, it is important to sort out the legalities, but this coalition lacks credibility with much of the general public and even many Jews who are strongly supportive of Israel. How are you going to convince people that Bibi’s government can be trusted? How do we incorporate the considerations you present into arguments that will provide the current Israeli government with sufficient credibility to be trusted by the general public?

  2. Israel cannot “annex” any land in Judea and Samaria since the last legal entity, the Ottoman empire, does not exist anymore.

    Furthermore, the author ignores the fact that Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, an international treaty, which incorporates by reference the 1922 Palestine Mandate and the 1920 San Remo agreement, declares all of what is Israel to be the reconstituted homeland of the Jewish people. Thus, Israel is an ethnic democracy not a liberal democracy whose Jewish aspirations are embraced by the United Nations Charter and the U.N. members who are required to obey it.

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