2 thoughts on “Benefits Derived from Questioning the Bible”

  1. Rabbi Drazin – I SO appreciate what you write here. Especially the invitation to question the Bible. I turned away from the bible as a fairly young child as I must have been born a realist and could not find stories i.e. the Red Sea parting and Moses walking down the middle of it to be real. Perhaps it was. Yet, I also struggle. with the New Testament and how it is so pushed as proof to today’s struggles – truths I see more as manipulative vs historical documentation in the refreshing way I see in your article here. If you can convince me that bibles themselves were not a form of manipulation; especially (in my experience to date) by evangelical Christians, please do so. I just feel if we’re taught right from wrong vs driven to do the right thing or G-d will strike us down or we’ll land in hell if we don’t accept Jesus as our savior, need the U.S. to be a Project 2025 solution to our country, Mandate bibles and the 10 Commandments be placed in public education environments, take women back into a new classification labeled as “household items”, etc – Having trouble with feeling G-d would be behind all that. Happy to be raised with a loving (vs fearing) G-d.

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