4 thoughts on “OpEd: After Donald Trump’s Inauguration, I’ll Be ‘Protecting My Peace’”

  1. The point about democracy is that sometimes the candidate and the party you backed are going to win, and sometimes they’re going to lose. And the beginning of wisdom about democracy is that victory for your choice will not mean the start of a golden age and defeat won’t be the end of the world.

    That’s something that a lot of Americans—and Israelis—have forgotten about in recent years. So great has been the hatred for both President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the part of their political opponents that many of them have resorted to the sort of existential arguments that are incompatible with a functioning democracy.

  2. With respect Mr. Editor, If you can’t find someone to write a more balanced article or even a pro-Trump Article then I will have to reconsider if I want to read rubbish full of errors of Fact or make any contributions to you and this Publication. You should take a lesson from the Owner of the LA Times and what he has done to his paper. Biden has done nothing to help Pacific Island nations including New Zealand. Biden gave Millions of dollars to Iran who used that money to fund Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis who then have attacked Israel with operations funded by your tax dollars. Biden withheld arms and ammunition legally paid for by Israel from Israel. Biden is loppy, Admit it. Name one Oligarchic billionaire who will be in his cabinet as this lady writer claims. Anybody who relies on the BBC for news about Israel and Jews needs Help.

  3. Pingback: OpEd: 'Protecting My Peace,' Part 2 - San Diego Jewish World

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