3 thoughts on “Trump and Pro-Palestinian Voters: Who’s Sorry Now?”

  1. There have been at least5 attempts to get a two state peace deal. The Palestinians have said no every time. those who support The PLA and Hamas have much to answer for. lets have new ideas.

  2. Killing 50,000 Palestinians as Biden and Harris policies supported is far worse than Trump’s political rhetoric and wild ideas. I think Pro-Israel activists will find that Trump’s extremist views will actually force a divide between Israel and the Arab World.

    1. Ray, Trump’s term is young. Give him time before he can antagonize you. Do you concur that Palestinians in Gaza should be relocated? What will happen if they defy the effort to move them out? Are you satisfied if Trump accepts annexation of the West Bank? What happens to them if they defy annexation? Israel offered Palestinians a two-state solution in 2000 and Arafat rejected it, then initiated a war; what was wrong with Israel’s proposal and what justified Arafat’s military response?
      For the record, I do not understand what the current Israeli gov’t was trying to do. To clear the record, I thought the figure for Arab deaths was 44,000, not 50,000, and even that it is a matter of dispute. It would not surprise me, but I would not take Hamas’ word for it. Of course, one death is one too many.

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