4 thoughts on “Phil Lorang Keeps Busy with a Multitude of Tikkun Olam Projects”

  1. Mimi,

    Congratuations on finding such a wonderful volunteer! Phil Lorang doesn’t skimp on the suppports he provides to a wide age-range of individuals. He is a person of many resources and talents. Phil is grounded in compassion and is someone people can rely on to follow-through on a consistent basis. His spirit shines through in your article.

  2. Phil and Ellen used to drop off books at my house during Covid when the Braun Book Club went on Zoom. When all the libraries were closed, I brought my kids to their house so we could check out their books in the “Little Free Library” Phil made for Ellen. My kids still talk about their interesting fish in the huge fish tank they got to feed.

    Phil is an amazing person and is always there to help. He reminds me of my Dad z”l and I know they would have been best friends since they have the “helping” gene, which I have acquired as well. I am grateful to call him one of my friends :).

  3. Mimi,
    Thank you for introducing me to Phil Lorang, and for writing a column that is uplifting and positive in these challenging times. I am amazed by Lorang’s commitment to humankind and proud that he chose to become a Jew. We need more people like this, and I’m delighted that you are recognizing San Diego’s unsung heroes. Brava!!!!

  4. James Ferguson

    A wonderful commitment to doing what we are here for. Healing the world, saving the best. These are the sotries we need to hear, especially now….

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