2 thoughts on “Hillel Met with CSU-San Marcos Staff to Seek Assurances Jewish Students Will be Protected from Pro-Hamas Demonstrators”

  1. Sadly, this message from Hillel leaves out a lot of context. First, though the message talks about Hillel wanting to “foster productive dialogue,” this event actually featured a picture of an IDF soldier pointing a machine gun, and the event was called Triggered (https://www.instagram.com/p/DHEZoonSTpk/). This upset many on campus, Jewish or not, and it did not seem designed to foster peace or dialogue.

    It seems that Jewish faculty or administrators were not looped in on this either, to try to prevent problems in the first place or to advise the student organizers that a poster like that might land as hostile and even scary to other students. It’s antisemitism if they tried to stop us from celebrating Purim, which of course they didn’t – but not when people want to demonstrate at an event like this. So to say that we have an antisemitism problem on campus and “students don’t feel safe” is going overboard.

    Please, let’s not put on events like this and say they’re for productive dialogue – and then be upset when folks disagree. We don’t want to cry antisemitism every time someone protests something that the government of Israel is doing.

  2. It seems to me that not enough was done to stop the agitators from disrupting and endangering the Jewish students.. rather than ending the meeting early and sneaking the Jewish students to safety, why weren’t the perpetrators stopped and/or arrested ? Why did the victims have to suffer, once again at the hands of the perpetrators? Where is justice?

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