Jacobs takes roles in Limmud programs in San Diego and London

Audrey Jacobs

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)–Audrey Jacobs, volunteer program chair of the San Diego’s Yom Limmud: Community Day of Learning of the Agency for Jewish Education to be held January 30,  has been invited to be a featured speaker at the 30th anniversary of the Limmud Conference in the U.K. during this Christmas week. 

Jacobs  will be among 350  international speakers presenting as part of the “Jewish Professionals Track” to the 2,000 attendees.  Jacobs works as the director of school advancement at Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, runs a national Jewish non-profit marketing firm, m3solutions – media maven management, and is the co-founder and co-chair of the San Diego Israel Coalition.

Preceding provided by Audrey Jacobs