Bluestein dramedy to be read Oct. 29 at North Coast Rep

By Eva Trieger

Eva Trieger
Steve Bluestein

SOLANA BEACH, California -North Coast Rep Theater will produce the New Works Reading Series sponsored by Nebcal Printing, that will kick off with a dramedy written by stand-up comic Steve Bluestein. I had the good fortune to interview Bluestein by phone earlier this month.

Rest, in Pieces is Bluestein’s baby, and will enjoy a staged reading on Monday, October 29th. The author/comic told me he is truly proud of this show and has done staged readings with several well-known and well-loved actors, notably, Olympia Dukakis and Louis Zorich. To date, the show has had three productions and won two awards. Other productions have featured Lainie Kazan, Doris Roberts, Charles Durning and Marcia Wallace. Donna Pescow was instrumental in creating the character and “was absolutely brilliant” in the role of the mother in the Delaware production.

North Coast’s production will feature Ellen Crawford, of ER fame, as the mother. She has recently performed in Alzheimer’s: A Black Comedy. Michael Genovese will portray the father. The son will be played by Ross Benjamin, who is the son of actors Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss. When Bluestein heard this cast read the script he told me, “in my head this was how I heard it and wanted it read.” Following Monday night’s performance there will be a talkback with the author.

Bluestein caught his first break doing stand-up at Earthquake McGoon’s in Phoenix. This success led to many more stints at comedy clubs in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Reno, Tahoe and the Improv in Los Angeles. Bluestein revealed that the biggest hurdle was getting recognized and getting an agent. One night while performing at the Comedy Store, Bluestein was approached by Gary Weinberg of International Creative Management (ICM). The agent told him, “this is the first time I’ve laughed in two weeks!” Three days later, Bluestein had a signed contract.

The comic told me he did not have much familial support for his chosen profession but he believes he may have inherited a comedic gene from his father’s side who hailed from Odessa, Ukraine. Apparently, Odessans have a reputation for having a good sense of humor! He reported that his mom, who in 35 years never came to a show, was “dry as the Sahara.”

Another big break came when ICM sent the comedian for an interview with Norman Lear. Bluestein had grown up on All in the Family and was elated when he landed the opportunity to write for Lear’s sit-coms. He described the icon as “the warmest, nicest, smartest guy in the room, still working today.” As we spoke, Steve Googled him and we learned that Norman Lear is 96 and still in the business.

Eager to learn who shaped this funny man, I asked about his early role models. “Jack Benny, Danny Kaye and Steve Allen” were instrumental mentors. Bluestein told me that when he got to work with Allen it was a dream come true. He thrived in the song writing, comedy and talk show venue.

Who was the most fun to work with? Steve said that he was touring with Melissa Manchester and Seals and Crofts, and their time on the road forged such closeness and mutual respect that they became like very close friends, perhaps family.

Is there a favorite type of audience for this performer? Bluestein enjoys working with a diverse audience, varied by age, ethnicity, gender and religion. He feels that the more diverse the crowd, someone will find something funny. “New Yorkers tend to expect more and they may be more well read, while Midwestern and Southern audiences are loving and receptive.” Internationally, Bluestein was well received in Sydney, Australia where he spent three months, and has a fan base in Canada and England as well.

In addition to Rest, In Pieces upcoming stages readings include Bloomsday by Steven Dietz, Late Company by Jordan Tannahil, Taken at Midnight by Mark Hayhurst, and Ideation by Aaron Loeb. While each of the events is free, tickets may be reserved by contacting box office or by calling 858.481.1055.

Trieger is a freelance writer specializing in coverage of the arts.  She may be contacted via