Trump Speak
By Laurie Baron
SAN DIEGO −“Discount” means invalidate absentee and provisional ballots cast in predominantly Democratic precincts.
“Very close to complete victory” means Republicans won the Senate despite receiving 12,000,000 less votes than the Democrats and lost over 30 seats to the Democrats in the House.
“Accosted” means CNN correspondent Jim Acosta brutally beat a White House intern within an inch of her life.
“Unwhitakeringly” means I had no idea that Matthew G. Whitaker had denounced the Mueller Investigation before I appointed him.
“Limmigration” means I will continue to keep foreigners from seeking asylum or immigration to the United States.
Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally