Editor’s E-Mail Box: December 2, 2018

Israeli ambassador anticipates a U.N. vote repudiating Hamas

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, is participating in the IAC conference and held an interview with journalist Gil Tamari, which focused on Israel’s activities at the United Nations.
In light of the American proposal to condemn Hamas in the General Assembly, Ambassador Danon said that “any country that votes against the proposal and does not condemn Hamas should not turn to the UN when it is victimized by terrorism. There is a historic opportunity here, and we expect the countries of the world to join together in as one front against Hamas’ terrorism.”

“We are talking to ambassadors from all over the world,” Danon continued, “and explaining to them the importance of their support. We have created a broad consensus on Hamas at the UN, which has been a success for us. ” — From Israel’s Permanent Mission to the U.N.

New Zealand P.M. says Chanukah reminds people to be advocates for freedom and equality of all


Flag of New Zealand

New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern videotaped Chanukah greetings to the Jewish community.  Here is a link:  https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156045963136452&id=337477311451

She noted in her address that due to its location in the world, New Zealand would be the first country to celebrate the holiday which celebrates the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian-Greek Empire, and the miracle of the lights when one day’s burned for eight days — time enough for the rededicated Temple to obtain more oil and to keep the Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) burning perpetually.

She added that Chanukah reminds the world of the “Jewish community’s profound strength and persistence of faith against overwhelming adversity.  It also reminds us, as New Zealanders, to be advocates for the freedom and equality of all.”   —  From John McCormick, chairman of the Hawkes Bay Province Friends of Israel

Preceding items culled from news releases and correspondence.  Please send yours to editor@sdjewishworld.com