Bob Mueller Is Bringing You Down
By Laurie Baron
SAN DIEGO− Melody: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
O! You better watch out!
You better not lie.
Stop tweeting a lot.
I’m telling you why
Bob Mueller is bringing you down.
He’s made a list
They’ve testified.
Admit they colluded
It can’t be denied.
Bob Mueller is bringing you down.
He knows how you made payoffs,
He’s used to all your screeds.
He knows of Russian contacts
To assist you to succeed.
O! You better watch out!
You better not lie.
Stop tweeting a lot.
I’m telling you why
Bob Mueller is bringing you down.
Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.
Um, I dont mean this offensively, but the C is missing
Not offensive at all; thanks for catching the typo, which is fixed now.
Right on! Happy Holidays!