By Mo Bailey

POWAY, California – Dan’s Place is a restaurant that celebrates the spirit of the late Dan Green and local community, while giving opportunities to people with disabilities who are often underestimated and marginalized.
Many things make Dan’s Place a unique and holistic experience that patrons seem to ‘eat up’ (pun half-intended). Each month, a new theme and cuisine is served. January was French food, a live trio with violin’s, cello and song. Prior months featured Mexican and Italian cuisines (all made in a professional kosher kitchen with vegan and gluten-free options).
Perhaps the most exceptional feature carrying on Dan’s spirit are the chefs, servers and hosts who learn the hospitality industry (including etiquette) as they deliver meals with smiles, and purpose, in an environment with mainstream acceptance.
Participants are trained and supported by a devoted staff led by Head Chef Amy Nisen, Etiquette Coach Michal Arbib, and Creative Director Dawne Ellison. Additional volunteers assist alongside participants as they practice from setup to cleanup and everything in between.
Another unique aspect of Dan’s Place is that the restaurant is only open one day a month. Dinner is served 5-7 p.m. in a designated area of Chabad of Poway at 16934 Chabad Way, Poway, California 92064
Those who wish to join this festive group may reserve a spot or table now ($18 per person) for Sunday, February 10, for an Asian theme and menu of teriyaki salmon, mushroom stir fry, cucumber salad, and rice via the website https://friendshipcirclesd.com/dans-place/
Regarding the late Dan Green, many feel that every day of his 46 years of life counted for something important in their own lives. His energy energized others. His wide smile initiated a smile or mood shift for others. His easy friendliness disarmed any worries, angst, or uneasiness.. Dan’s Place does this too.
Dan had Trisomy 18 which is quite rare. Births are with only part of an extra chromosome 18. That extra part may be attached to another chromosome in the egg or sperm, and is called a translocation, according to Web MD.
When visiting his sister and her family in Brussels for Pesach, Dan had an emergency surgery. On Wednesday May 16 (2nd day of Sivan), Dan’s holy soul was returned back to heaven.

Research supports that one of the most profound losses is that of parents who outlive their child regardless of their age or any differences they may have had. Some families retreat. Some plant trees. Some create something on-going in memory of their child. All understandable and respectable.
Dan’s parents, Alan and Elisheva Green, created a legacy where Dan’s presence continues with meaning and mitzvah. As Elisheva so eloquently shares, “It was Dan’s friends who told me how they wanted to do something in his memory so they could still feel him with them.”
Some of Dan’s friends are considered in society as “developmentally delayed” yet I use that term with hesitation as it is this population who also have a quality that makes one stop and take notice of subtle, yet significantly developed mindsets. We can easily get caught up in by our own hustle, bustle and fleeting concerns. Dan’s Place, A Friendship Restaurant, changes such “mindset” delays!
More information on volunteering or supporting Dan’s Place with donations, is available via maxime@friendshipcirclesd.org
Mo Bailey is a “non-traditional” advocate and consultant for families, educational environments, and organizations that support special needs populations. She is also the founder of InsightsToAspergers.com and can be contacted at mo@mobailey.com