Adventures in San Diego Jewish History~January 22, 1954, Part II

Compiled by Gail Umeham

Can A Nation Live By Hate? (Editorial)

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 4

It has been a long time since we have read such a clear statement of what is ailing American Democracy as was stated by Archibald MacLeish at the Freedom Forum celebrating the 40th year of A.D.L. activity.  B’nai B’rith can well be proud of this branch of its ancient order.

Here are a few samples of what Mr. MacLeish told the gathering.

“Today, in our country, the heart is being fed on hatred.  It is our tragedy an the indictment of our generation that there is more substance in our enmities than in our love.  A man who lives, not by what he loves, but what he hates is a sick man.  So too is a nation.

“There is a revulsion against our fears and hatreds and against those who exploit them for political or economic advantage.  We are coming to know the worth of that winter patriotism which measures itself not by its love for American but by its cold passion against the Soviet Union.

“Condemnation of the Soviet Union is understandable enough.  The whole country detests its doctrines and practices; its hypocritical protestations of that worst of slaveries which communism is—the dishonest justification of the most contemptible of means by the most fraudulent of ends  but the country, nevertheless, finds it increasingly hard to believe that American patriotism consists only in detestation of the Soviets.  Above all, it is hard to believe that that man is an American patriot who would sacrifice to his hatred of Russia the heart of what America is—the freedom of the individual mind, soul and conscience.

“If the temper of opinion is changing, the underlying evil has not.  There is still more substance in our enmities than in our loves.  The only difference is that our enmities are now directed at each other.

“Those who would define American patriotism in anti-Russian terms, detest and denigrate those who measure patriotism in the United States by devotion to the cause of individual liberty.  And those who judge patriotism by devotion to the cause of individual liberty detest and despise those who would admit the pre-occupation with communism to the very center of our national life by making a man’s feeling about communism the measure of his feeling about the United States.  Not in our lifetime and not, I think, since the War Between the States has the American mind been divided by such bitterness as divides it now.

“It is an understandable bitterness.  Thos who honestly believe that nothing matters but the Communist conspiracy, readily persuade themselves that the believers in individual freedom are, at best, political irresponsibles and, at worst, defenders of Communists if not Communists themselves.  The view is not confined to inhabitants of the lunatic fringe.  There are extensive areas of the American press in which the word “liberal” is now a word of derision, signifying a man or woman incapable of realistic thinking and ripe for the manipulations of the conspirators.

“The same thing is true of those who believe that the great issue of our time is the freedom of the human individual; who believe that if that freedom is lost, America is lost.  In the eyes of these men and women, the faction which would sacrifice individual liberty to the fight against communism is no better than the Communist Party and may well be worse since it is far larger, and since the means it employs are immeasurably more dangerous.  The communist Party, though it uses the Trojan Horse of pretended patriotism in other countries has never been able to make use of it here because the country as a whole detests communism too thoroughly.  But the faction which would sacrifice American freedom to the Communist danger suffers no such disability.  It has wrapped itself in the claim of patriotism to such a point that it has all but monopolized the American flag.  Any man who opposes it, even when it strikes at the American Constitution, may expect to see himself attacked as an enemy of his country.

“How are we to regain our manhood?  I know of no way but bty the recovery of the vision.  It is difficult in such a world a the Russians have made to believe in noble things.  It is difficult, after what we have witnessed in Nazi Germany and chauvinist Japan and fascist Spain and Communist Russia, to believe in man.  But we have reasons in our own past to believe and we can recall these reasons.  If we do not—if we permit our hatred of Russia to replace our love of the American dream as the motivation of our lives—we will have accorded communism the greatest triumph to which any dogma can aspire:  the power to dictate the thinking even of its enemies.

“A nation as sure of its own convictions, as confident in its own history, as we were once and should be again, has no need to live in the rejection of the faith of others.  It can live in the affirmation of its own.  God knows we Americans have reason so to live.  Whether we have the power depends not on our wills but on our hearts.”

Sanity—Sex—and Songs (Editorial)

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 4

America’s preoccupation with sex has caused concern in many quarters, especially among educators and sociologists.  As a matter of fact they suggest that the present laxity in morals may be due to the overemphasis of the female form in our daily lives.  Some sociologists say the U.S. is going sex-crazy.

There is no doubt that our national culture has been permeated by sex to such an extent that it has been estimated that we encounter some kind of sex lure every nine minutes our working day.  Business and industry, led by the advertising agencies, have come to believe that the female form will sell anything, from cars to chemicals.  A pretty girl (preferably undraped) standing next to their product, they insist, will sell better and faster.  Why this is so we haven’t the faintest idea.

If you think that the present deluge of “Girlie” and “Art” magazines doesn’t affect your child, then you had better see a psychologist yourself.  Then there are the movies who base most of their publicity on blood, guts and sex.

Have you ever listened to the suggestive songs now being sung on the air and on television?  Some of them have made us blush—not because we are prudish—but because we know the young minds that are listening!

Many scientists are already wondering whether or not there is a connection between the shaky status of our sexual morality and the rise in the rate of crime, suicides, juvenile delinquency, and insanity.  Personally, we believe there is.

Entire Community Joins in Installation

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 4

The installation of officers and Board members of Tifereth Israel Synagogue last Saturday augurs well for the congregation during the coming year.  Led by Eddie Breitbard, who was installed brilliantly by Morris Douglas and Morrie Kraus, the officers include Zel Greenberg, 1st V.P.; Sidney Newman, 2nd V.P.; Moss Addleson, Rec. Sec.; Joseph Finkelman, Fin. Sec.; and Jerome Weissman, Treasurer.

The large attendance representing the three congregations witnessed the three Rabbis and three Presidents of the Synagogues taking part in the unusual event.  Mr. Breitbard stated in his inaugural address thart Jewish life is made up of many parts and allowed for participation in all phases of Jewish Activity.  He foresaw the unity of the Jewish Community with the Synagogues playing a major role.

Rabbi Monroe Levens installed the officers and board members of the Daughters of Israel and spoke of the necessity of a religious centered life for Jew9ish survival.

Pioneer Women

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 4

Pioneer women, Negba Club have pledged themselves to raise a $500.00 memorial to perpetuate the name of Anna Shelley in the Children’s Home in the Youth Village of Kanot in the Negev.  Friends who wish to donate to this memorial may call M-1366 (BE-2-1366) or T-1-6736 (AT-1-6736).

The next meeting of Negba Club will take place Thursday noon, Feb. 4th at Beth Jacob Center.  An interesting program is being planned.

T.I. Men’s Club Hold Costume Dance February 13th

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 5

“Hard Times” Masquerade Ball and Social will be the theme of the Men’s Club of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Saturday, Feb. 13th at the Center from 8:30 until ?.  A buffet supper of delicious foods will be served (all you can eat).  Prizes will be awarded for the Best Dressed, Original, and Comical costumes.  There will also be one Grand Door Prize.

Donation for the time of your life is $2.00 per person.  Music “as you like it” will add to the gayety of the evening.  Sy Rich, chairman of the committee, suggests that you come in costume and win a prize or come as you are.  Don’t forget the date—Saturday, Feb. 13, at Tifereth Israel Center.

“The Christians’ Indebtedness to the Jews”

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 5

The Young Jewish Couples Club will have the Reverend J. Ogden Hoffman, Jr., Minister of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Chapel as guest speaker for a meeting to be held a the Tifereth Israel Center on Sunday, January 24th, at 8:30 p.m.

The Reverend Hoffman, in addition to his ministerial duties, teaches at State College.  A brilliant young liberal, he is noted for his oratory.  His talk “The Christians Indebtedness to the Jews” will be followed by a question and answer period.  The Y.J.C. cordially invite the public to attend.  Refreshments and a social hour will follow.

Tifereth Israel Sisterhood Second Annual Family Dinner

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 5

The Jewish Community of San Diego is cordially invited to attend the second annual family dinner, to be held on Sunday, January 21st starting at 6 p.m. at the Tifereth Israel Center.  Mrs. Elias Berwin, chairman, and Mrs. Ray Toole, co-chairman announced that elaborate plans have been made for a delicious meal.  The nominal sum of $2.00 for adults and $1.25 for children will be charged.  Since a large crowd is anticipated, reservations must be made.  Call Mrs. Ray Toole at Randolph 2363 or the following numbers:  Randolph 2777, Franklin 6909.

Arrangements have been made for those who wish to play cards after dinner.  So why not make a party and call your reservations in early?

Temple Beth Israel Holds Annual Dinner

Southwestern Jewish Press January 22, 1954 Page 5

Temple Beth Israel will hold its Annual Dinner Meeting Thursday, January 28, at 6:30 p.m. at the Temple Center, it was announced by Morris W. Douglas, Temple president.  The business part of the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and members who cannot attend the dinner are urged to come to the meeting.

Six directors of the board will be elected and awards for devotion to the Temple will be issued.  Members are urged to make reservation early with the Temple secretary, F-9-0149 (BE-9-0149).  Cost of the dinner is $2.00 per person.


“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.