Jewish trivia quiz: Cory Booker

By Mark D. Zimmerman

Mark D. Zimmerman
Cory Booker

MELVILLE, New York — Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey is running for president. At a CNN Town Hall meeting last week, he spoke of the importance of his Christian upbringing, but he then went on to say, “Can I quote some Hebrew to you? I studied the Torah, too. There’s a song sung during the High Holidays: ‘Ki veiti beit t’fila yikareh l’chol ha’amim’ — ‘May my house be a house of prayer for many nations’.” Booker has long had connections to the Jewish community. In the early 1990’s, while he was studying at Oxford, he went to a Chabad Purim celebration where he danced around the room with the other participants. What did Booker carry on his back during that dance?

A. A Megillah scroll.

B. He carried a large map of the Jersey Turnpike, and on his head he wore an EZ Pass device.

C. The rabbi’s daughter, dressed as Queen Esther.

D. A Four Seasons record album, as he was dressed as a Jersey Boy.

E. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach.

Link to answer:

Zimmerman is the author of the Rashi, Rambam and Ramalamadingdong series of Jewish trivia e-books. Learn more at