Compiled by San Diego Jewish World staff
Respect and Children (Editorial)
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 5
We were intrigued the other day by the statement of a news broadcaster to the effect that a check-up on juvenile delinquents revealed that Chinese children rarely were brought into court for violation of any laws. This included large cities such as San Francisco, Chicago and New York. A Chinese official attributed this to the strength of Chinese family life. Children are brought up to venerate older people, especially their parents and grandparents. Disgrace, bad conduct or running afoul of the law is to be avoided at all costs because of the shame which would be visited upon the parents and their ancestors. This edict is imbued in the Chinese child at an early age and inasmuch as tradition still plays an important part in their lives, Chinese family life is strong and binding.
If this is all true, the American-Chinese have made an enviable record for themselves in America. If, in spite of the breaking down of tradition and family life in America, they have succeeded in retaining the best qualities of their old country, they are a shining example to us all.
Lack of respect for parents has led to lack of regard for teachers, institutions, law and tradition. We believe that the answer to our teenage and youth problems, lies within the home and the influence of the parents. No school, no outside authority, laws or institutions can substitute for our own responsibilities toward our children.
B’nai B’rith Briefs
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 5
By Morrie Kraus
Talking to Oneself – When I “contracted” to write this column I said it would come out now and then, little realizing it would be mostly then than now… Very happy to see Moische Pomeroy get a by-line. I remember his column NU? of yesteryear… Next time you go deep sea fishing with Si Kraus and Bunny Jacobson watch their faces when they cast (mir ken shtarben)… Morris Penn is home recuperating from his operation and would welcome some of you brethren…. One of the most interesting reports I’ve heard was made by Harold Lasher on ADL at a recent meeting. Too bad there were not so many of you present to hear it. Harold is very enthusiastic and we ought to really encourage him because that boy can go places (not on his pan, though)… Fritz Bobrof will be off soon for the big ones down Acapulco way .. We’re going to organize a couple of pan tables (call Eddie Breitbard)… A week has gone by and I haven’t gone fishing, oi veh.
Eddie Breitbard Campaign – In two weeks the delegates will be off to the annual convention this year in Spokane where we will learn whether Eddie is as popular as we think he is. His chance for 3d vice-president were always good and getting better day by day. That card party the Co-ordinating Council had lately cold have been a little better and I’d like to thank the following brothers who so graciously donated prizes: Eddie Bland, Leo Beck, Milt Roberts, Jay Levine and his partner Bill, Sam Druskin, Abe Sklar, Bill Colt, Harry Mallen, Si Kraus, Maury Novak, Morris Douglas, Marshall Naiman, Harry Wax, Julius Kahn, Jack Sp[atz, Morris Penn, Eddie Kitaen, and our old friend Zola.
Armed Services Committee – I wish I could convey to you the feelings and expressions of gratitude we have received from servicemen who have attended the parties hosted by our Lodge at the naval training station and supervised by our Jerry “Chief” Aronoff. Listening to what they write about B’nai B’rith it would make you very proud to be a Ben Brith. How about spreading this pride around a little more by bringing in some new members and making Ed Herman’s job easier?
With the Guardians
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 5
By Morris Pomeranz
The core—the very existence of any service organization –depends ultimately on the regular attendance of its members. Guardians are no exception to this basic requirement – for months in and months out there is a handful of members around whose confirmed presence, the interesting and lively dinner meetings are formed. The President knows that he can depend on the following (barring trips to Vegas or Europe) each first Thursday of the month: Laury Cantor (with a tan and a big smile), Harry Snyder (with his aromatic cigar), Sam Rassin (with the same moss-covered joke), Sol Brown (with the rainbow-colored sport shirt), Dave Stosky (with a fabulous money-making proposition), Jerry Aronoff (with his “Take the pt, Chief!”), Harry Farb (with his studied analysis of any political situation); Leo Krasne (with a Gezunter appetite); Murray Goodrich (with a ready denial about his last golf score), Sammy Addleson (with an incredible fish story), Ralph Hosenpud (with a furniture contract) and Abe Sklar (with malice toward none.)
One of our favorite Guardians – Doyle Kahn –recently found himself in an inextricable position. As he sat watching the Padres—who were sailing along with a three-run lead—Doyle felt that the partisan group required a bit of sharp-edged needling. Suddenly he barked instructions at the opponents as they emerged from the dug out – when to hit and run—when to bunt—when to steal, etc. Ob iously this began to annoy the others, per Doyle’s original intent. “Are you from Sacramento?” queried a soft-spoken fan in the adjoining box. “Better than that!” assured Kahn, “I pitched for the Solons for the last three years.” “Strange we never met was the only comment by the Sacramento manager who had been thumbed from the coach’s box just two innings earlier.
The Guardians, as a component group, are comprised of the finest Jewish men in the city. They are the unselfish individual who have dedicated themselves to the noblest of all mitzvahs – taking care of the aged. But, singly each is a self-appointed gourmet—a lover of the exotic foods – an epicurean who has tasted the finest foods the world. Witness the fact that during the last dinner, President Allie Ferer made the rounds and asked each of the 53 Guardians present how fared the sumptuously appointed steak dinner. The variety of answers would have shamed Milton Berle. “Allie, it was terrific” –“This is steak?” –“Eh!”—“I thought Swaps was still alive” –“Allie to me it’s O.K., but then you’ve never eaten my wife’s cooking” – and so on around the Manor dining room. Memo to the Committee: Remember the cliché about trying to please them all.
Two members were discussing the antics of a third, when Jay Levin quipped: “Oh, him—he’s a regular psycho-ceramic.” “A psycho-ceramic?” wondered Sam Feller. “Yah, he’s a regular crack-pot!”
Our Community Organizations
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 5
The Council of Jewish Women
Ed: This is the first in a series of articles explaining the activities of various organizations in the Jewish community of San Diego.
The program of the San Diego Council of Jewish Women is set up “to meet the needs in the community” and will continue to function throughout the summer, according to Mrs. Jack Stern, President.
Community Services: Mrs. Sidney Silverman, Vice President, and Mrs. Alfred Breslauer, U.S.O. Chairman, are planning a series of Swim-Barbecue parties for servicemen and Junior Hostesses in cooperation with the U.S.O Jewish Welfare Board. On July 17th, Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Sims will be host and hostess on August 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feller will entertain at their pool-patios.
Mrs. Nathan Schiller serves as a weekly receptionist for the Cancer Society… Mrs. Harry Blumberg, Mrs. R.R. Smith and Mrs. Jerome Cohn, provide transportation for the blind… Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Martin Ernest, various Council members serve as “Story-Ladies,” supply toys and entertainment for the children at the Pediatric Ward of County Hospital.
Community Drives: Mrs. Stanley Hynes, Chairman, is actively engaged in planning for the community-wide “Operation Surplus” Campaign. Council members will also assist in the drives for the United Jewish Fund, Community Chest, Polio, Red Cross and other drives.
Senior Citizens: Mrs. Dave Ferer is chairman of the Council’s service to senior citizens at Edgemore Farm. Each month a birthday party is given for the men and women whose birthdays fall during that month. A favorite entertainer has been “Mike Williams” otherwise known as Michael Schwartz, so of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwartz.
Service to Foreign Born: Council has provided, as needed, hospitality, transportation, home furnishings and clothing, teaching of English, camperships for children, etc to help the newcomers to this country. Anything at Council’s Thrift Shop, located at 2205 Logan Ave., is available to them without charge, and frequently new items are purchased, if needed.
Scholarships: National Council awards scholarships to Overseas students to come to the United States for graduate work. The San Diego section awards an annual scholarship of $100, which this year was presented to a Jewish graduate of Hoover High School who intends to major in the Social Sciences.
Now Hear This
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 6
Goodbyes and welcome homes are in order, soo, so long to Stan Shapiro, who is going overseas. Hope your return soon and in good health. Goodbye and good luck to Ivan Sharfman, who is going back east to be stationed close to his home in Connecticut. Lucky Stiff!
Welcome home to all the returnees: Georgi Biener, who just recently returned from Japan. Judy Yukon, one of our summer hostesses, who just returned from Berkeley with her room mate, Francis Gibson. We also have 3 new Jr. Hostesses: Sonia and Marilyn Lewis, and Helen (personality) Solomon. Welcome aboard, you 5. It was good to see Brenda Heiman at our Sunday night affair at Tifereth Israel. She and her glowing personality should show up more often.
Someone by the name of George Molinaro drove up to the center Wednesday night with a brand new Oldsmobile 88. He is a corpsman at Camp Pendleton. Who robbed Fort Knox?
The pictures of the Tour are on the way girls. Each Junior Hostess should have received hers as we go to press. The Director of the Oceanside U.S.O. drooled when he saw the pictures. He said he wished he had such a nice bevy of beauties. All you Jr. Hostesses should pat yourselves on the back for the fine job you are doing.
Here’s hoping that our wonderful Sr. Sponsor, Claire Kaplan, had a wonderful time in San Francisco and Sacramento, but it’s mighty good to have her back.
Yo-Ma-Co Club
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 6
At the recent election which took place June 23rd, the following members were selected to guide our activities for the coming year: Pres, Leon Solomon; Vice-Pres., Ted Hermann, Treas., Jack Spivak; Rec Sec., Shirley Wittenberg; Corr. Sec., Rae Novak; Auditor, Leonard Pearl; Membership Sec., Ruth Okun, Sgt-at-Arms, Victor Silverstein.
The installation of the above members will take place on the night of July 17th at the El Morocco Club, Federal Blvd and Euclid Ave. Installation Chairman Alice Solomon and her committee are keeping everything “hush-hush” so you know it will be a terrific show, to say nothing of the wonderful orchestra which they have lined up for the occasion. Please make reservations at the earliest possible moment by calling AT-4-2798. Incidentally, the entire cast of the stage-show is made up of Yomaco talent and we’re going to keep our eyes on Vic Silverstein, one of our new members, who is turning in a sensational performance at rehearsals.
Women’s Auxiliary Hebrew Home For The Aged
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 6
The second of a series of tours of inspection of the new Hebrew Home for the Aged will be held on Sunday, July 10th, from 2 to 4:30 o’clock. The members of the Ladies Auxiliary will be hostesses to acquaint the public with the new programs of this new and beautiful building. There will be no solicitation of funds.
The Home is situated on 54th Street, one-block north of University. It may be reached by the NO. 7 or University Ave. bus
Mail donations for the Memorial Fund to Mrs. Harry Goodwin, 1812 Tuston.
City of Hope Aux
Southwestern Jewish Press, July 8, 1955, Page 6
President Ethel Berwin, City of Hope Junior President; Sally Lieberman, Becky Bard, Rose Miroff and Jeanne Camiel have just returned from attending the National Biennial Convention of the City of Hope Medical Center at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.
At the next meeting on Tuesday, July 19th – luncheon served at 12 noon – at the Beth Jacob Center, details will be given on future plans made at this conference for the outstanding center of healing.
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our “Adventures in San Diego Jewish History” series will be a regular feature until we run out of history. To find stories on specific individuals or organizations, type their names in our search box.