Items in today’s column include:
*Bry says San Diego can be largest city with 100 percent renewable energy reliance
*Christmas and Chanukah offerings at San Diego Oasis
Bry says San Diego can be largest city with 100 percent renewable energy reliance
SAN DIEGO — City Councilwoman Barbara Bry says she believes by adopting a plan for acquiring and selling alternative energy to city residents, in competition with SDG&E, San Diego can become “the largest city in the country to achieve 100 percent renewable energy reliance.”
She made the statement in a community newsletter that was sent out on Monday, Sept. 30.
Having the city be the purchaser and seller of energy is known as Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) and San Diego is doing it in a joint powers agreement with other cities in the region.
Under the plan, according to Bry, “consumers would have the freedom of choice — they could buy from the CCE (Community Choice Energy) or continue to buy from SDG&E. Competition is good. Having multiple energy options stimulates competition, which brings rates down for consumers.
“In addition,” Bry wrote, “San Diego is an ideal location for CCE, because our climate creates opportunities for expanding solar energy sources and local startups are advancing renewable energy techniques.”
Elsewhere in her newsletter, Bry revealed that her favorite recipe is one for noodle kugel that can be found in the Settlement Cook Book. She explained “It was my mom’s favorite cook book and I still treasure it and think about her when I open it up.”
Christmas and Chanukah offerings at San Diego Oasis
San Diego Oasis is offering two classes to be taught by Rabbi Michael Mayersohn, a Reform rabbi formerly based at Temple Beth David in Westminster, Orange County. One two-session class meeting Oct. 22 and 29, focuses on his novel: I Was There: The Jewish Olive Grower Who Knew Jesus. In it, Mayersohn deals with “Jewish messianic expectations in the 1st century and the dynamic between Jews who believed in Jesus and those who did not.” Another two-session class, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26, is titled “Believing in God: Starting in the Bible: Continuing Today.” According to the Oasis Catalog, “the class will explore faith and hold it to the demands of critical thinking.” Mayersohn’s classes are held at the Grossmont Learning Center, 5500 Grossmont Center Drive, #325, La Mesa, California.
Some other offerings include “The Historical First Chanukah” to be taught by Lola Sparrowhawk (also known as Lola S. Kohen) on Thursday, Dec. 12, and “The True Meaning of Christmas,” a program of humor and information by San Diego Union-Tribune columnist Richard Lederer on Wednesday, Dec. 11.
Harrison is editor of San Diego Jewish World. He may be contacted via
Fascinating Chanukah and Christmas offerings. Is there a place where people are to sign up, or just “show up “?