If Democrats followed Trump’s example

A Nunes by Any Other Name

By Laurie Baron

Lawrence Baron

SAN DIEGO−Even after all the evidence presented at the House Impeachment Hearings, the American public opinion polls have not registered a significant shift in the numbers supporting impeachment and those opposed to it.  I believe this has nothing to do with the substance of the case against Trump and more to do with his ability to coin demeaning names for anyone who criticizes him.  Perhaps Michelle Obama was wrong.  Maybe we should abandon the high road and engage in name calling.  Here’s my list of suggested epithets:

Deceitful Devin, aka No News Nunes

Lacky Lindsey, aka Groveling Graham

Jim the Jerk Jordan aka Mr. Sanctimonious Shirtsleeves

Rabid Rudy, aka the Lawless Lawyer

Pandering Pence, aka the Kowtow Kid

Goofy Gordo, aka Sondland the Stooge

Tricky Micky, aka the Lying Leprechaun

Perfidious Pompeo, aka The Invisible Man

Demagogue Don, aka The Golden Deceiver (Credit my dog Elona for this one)


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via lawrence.baron@sdjewishworld.com. San Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.