Kayleigh McEnany is not what she seems

By Eric George Tauber

Eric George Tauber
Kayleigh McEnany (Photo: Wikiwand)

SAN DIEGO — “Science should not stand in the way of schools re-opening.”

This recent statement by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany has made headlines. What children are supposed to learn in prematurely re-opened schools if not science was not clear. But pundits and internet trolls have been having a field day with the sheer absurdity of this statement. And it seems that at every press conference, Kayleigh McEnany will toss out such a bone. It’s like she’s not even pretending to sound credible or even halfway intelligent.

But then again…

Kayleigh McEnany is the fifth person to hold this job during the current administration and I’ve noticed a certain pattern. Now I’m no political expert, but I know show business. And since we’re sitting through the fourth and (please G-d) final season of The Apprentice: West Wing, I will share my observations.

Sean Spicer vowed that he would not lie to the public because the job hinges on one’s credibility. Then, at his very first press briefing on Jan 21, 2017, he lied, saying, “That was the largest audience to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe.” And he sort of mumbled this statement with his eyes down like a fifth grader denying that he copied answers off of his neighbor’s test.

And things went downhill from there. At his first press briefing, he seemed gracious and personable. But over time, he became increasingly defensive and hostile. He came across like a man who drops Pepto-Bismol into glasses of bourbon. After he resigned, he appeared on Dancing with the Stars all smiles like a man who had shrugged a great weight off his shoulders.

Likewise, Sarah Huckabee Sanders started out by playing nicely. But the more she spun falsehoods and inanities, trying to make them sound sane, accurate and reasonable, the more surly she became. You can see it in her face. Her countenance used to be soft and pleasant. But the longer she had that job, the more severe her expression became. The words “I hate my job” seemed to snake across her forehead like a news crawl.

Anthony Scaramucci (aka “The Mooch”) who briefly held the job of White House Director of Communications from July 21-31, 2017,  before Sanders, came off like a huckster. He reminded me of those folks you find on New York street corners doing card tricks, running shell games and hawking stolen jewelry. His routine was in a suit behind a podium, but the fast-talking spirit is much the same. That’s his persona and he owned it. I’m just sorry he didn’t last longer as he was very entertaining.

Following the departure of Sanders, Communications Director for the First Lady, Stephanie Grisham, also had the title of Press Secretary. But during her nine months on the job, she never held a single press briefing. Can you imagine having a job that long without actually doing your job?

And now we have Kayleigh McEnany who comes across as an empty-headed Barbie doll. But when you look into her background, you find that this person graduated from Harvard, has worked for numerous successful politicians and appeared on CNN and Fox Business as a paid commentator. That’s not the résumé of an idiot.

Liberal Activist and fellow CNN colleague Van Jones said of her, “People keep taking her lightly, and they keep regretting it.” (Wiki)

McEnany was initially critical of Trump, calling him a “showman” and a “racist.” But then a friend, Michael Marcantonio convinced her over cocktails that Trump was going to get the Republican nomination and it was in her best interest to latch onto his coattails.

“On August 5, 2017, McEnany left her position at CNN. The following day, she hosted a 90-second webcast, Real News Update on Trump’s personal Facebook page. She praised [Trump] throughout the segment, saying she had brought the ‘real news’ to the American people.” (Wiki)

It would seem that this wide-eyed, inane-sounding Barbie Doll is a carefully crafted persona. The press corps may laugh at how stupid she sounds. But like Barbie, she gets to drive home to her dream house in a slick convertible. So who’s feeling stupid now?

Eric George Tauber is a freelance writer specializing in coverage of the arts.  He may be contacted via eric.tauber@sdjewishworld.com







11 thoughts on “Kayleigh McEnany is not what she seems”

  1. If what you write is true, the more relevant consideration should be about her character and not about how smart or affluent she has become by her deception. Words matter.

  2. Little Miss Barbie can’t be that intelligent if she allows herself to play the “airhead female” doing POS45s biddings. SMH!

  3. Someone comments sanely about Americans working together and not dividing and finger pointing and then remarks how we’ve strayed from the bible. Thus is why I lose hope. America is a giant advertisement for “What I Think Is Important!” Never mind the principle upon which this great and sovereign nation was founded, but somones Christianity or someone’s fealty to one politician; cult after cult after cult. No one cares what you think. This country has no religion. It’s in the first amendment for crying out loud! We can criticize the president. That’s in there too. Having a press corp call out manipulative political operatives is in that same amendment. It’s the best part of what America is all about. The second amendment, that’s the one everyone is interested in. Back up on and then maybe you’ll get the idea.

  4. The problem we’re having in this country is everyone’s pointing fingers instead of working together. There’s no longer one voice and that’s going to destroy us. It also does not help the fact that we’ve turned so far away from biblical principles which is the greatest road map to peace and love and success.

  5. It’s all about the money, nothing new with the Republicans, it’s disgusting and very dangerous for our democracy almost gone by now!

  6. Don’t you all wish that your kids could be as great as this young lady has been and will be of course the Democrats have something to say which don’t mean very much because she only speaks the truth something that the media doesn’t know much about the truth ! 🇺🇸🥇🙏

  7. What good is it to have a dream house and a luxury vehicle, when one has no integrity?
    I’d much rather keep my integrity, and hope the same for the ones in my life.

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