Jewish Trivia Quiz: Alex Trebek, RIP

By Mark D. Zimmerman

Mark D. Zimmerman
Alex Trebek
“Jeopardy” screen grab

MELVILLE, New York — Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy since 1984, died this week after an 18-month battle against pancreatic cancer. The winner of seven Emmy Awards, Trebek was also known as an activist and philanthropist, supporting causes including World Vision Canada and the Alex Trebek Forum for Dialogue at the University of Ottawa. One of the fun aspects of the Jeopardy program is that on many occasions, the categories are given clever names, often with puns. Which of the following is a real Jeopardy category that contained an answer and question of Jewish content?

A. The answer “This friar who headed the Spanish Inquisition also persuaded Ferdinand & Isabella to expel the Jews” [Question: Who was Torquemada] appeared in the category EUROPE TO NO GOOD.

B. The answer “As the rest of the Jews entered the promised land, Moses died aged about 120 on this mount” [Question: What was  Mt. Nebo] appeared in the category EVERYTHING’S COMING UP MOSES.

C. The answer “In this author’s Night, Moshe the Beadle warns the Jews of Sighet about the looming holocaust, but they don’t listen” [Question: Who was Eli Wiesel] appeared in the category MEET THE BEADLES.

D. The answer “Joseph II freed the serfs & ended discrimination against Jews during his 18th century reign as this emperor” [Question: What was Holy Roman Emperor] appeared in the category SERFS UP.

E. The answer “For his role in Nazi Germany’s mass murder of the Jews, he was hanged in Israel May 31, 1962” [Question: Who was Adolf Eichmann], appeared in the category NAMES IN THE NOOSE.

Link to answer:


Mark Zimmerman is the author of a series of Jewish trivia books, under the title RASHI, RAMBAM and RAMALAMADINGDONG: A Quizbook of Jewish Trivia Facts & Fun.