What Motivated the Righteous to Rescue Jews?

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Laurie Baron, Ph.D, will lecture via Zoom at 11 a.m. Thursday, June 17, on “The Dynamics of Decency: Why Righteous Gentiles Rescued Jews.”

Sponsored by the Jewish Culture and Holocaust Remembrance Group, Baron’s lecture will draw on extensive interviews with Christian rescuers of Jews, examining their childhood backgrounds, personality traits, politics, religious beliefs and social networks.

Prior to Baron’s lecture, viewers are encouraged to watch the documentary film ‘The Courage to Care,” available on YouTube.

Baron, who contributes a regular column to San Diego Jewish World, is an emeritus professor of history at San Diego State University and the former director of its Lipinsky Institute for Judaic Studies.

The Zoomcast may be accessed via https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251480350 …Meeting ID: 852 5148 0350 …  Passcode: 539923.  To monitor by telephone, call 408-638-0968.

Preceding provided by the Jewish Culture and Holocaust Remembrance Group