In Meeting with German President, Bennett Emphasizes New Government’s ‘Different Voices’

JERUSALEM (Press Release) — On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Jerusalem.

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Israeli Prime Minister Bennett meet in Jerusalem on Thursday. Credit: Amos Ben-Gershom (GPO).

The two leaders first had a private meeting and then participated in a wider forum. President Steinmeier congratulated Prime Minister Bennett on forming Israel’s new government and said that he was pleased it was established. Prime Minister Bennett said, “We formed a government that has different voices, and we are determined to advance the State of Israel.” The current governing coalition, led by Bennett and Alternate Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, includes an Arab political party (Ra’am) for the first time in Israeli history.

The leaders also discussed the Iranian nuclear threat. Prime Minister Bennett said that Israel’s objective is to prevent Iran, which has openly declared that it was working towards Israel’s destruction, from acquiring a nuclear military capability.

President Steinmeier invited Prime Minister Bennett to visit Germany.

Preceding provided by the Israeli Government Press Office.