Satire: Blame the Jews

By Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Israel began its COVID vaccination program earlier than the United States. The U.S. then followed Israel’s lead in giving booster shots and probably will do the same for the next round of boosters. Hence, COVID must be a Jewish plot to impose Israeli medical policies on the world.

Lawrence Baron

Although the owners of Dominion Voting are not Jewish, the word Dominion implies that Jews must be involved in its perpetration of voter fraud against Donald Trump because wherever Jews live, they conspire to establish Dominion.

Another salvo in the Jewish plot to increase the representation for people of color is the John Lewis Voting Act. Lewis is a common Jewish surname.

While everyone knows that Jewish Space lasers caused the California wildfires, why isn’t anyone asking why the worst tornadoes of 2021 primarily devastated red states like Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee and that its most destructive hurricanes were Ida and Sam?

Did you notice that many of the rioters in the 1/6 demonstration had beards?  Maybe they weren’t Trump supporters or white supremacists, but really ultra-Orthodox Jews angry about vaccine mandates.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via lawrence.baron@sdjewishworld.comSan Diego Jewish World points out to new readers that this column is satire, and nothing herein should be taken literally.