Jewish Parenting — With an Assist From Social Media

Kveller’s Jewish parenting page on Instagram

By Lizzie Rubin

SAN DIEGO — As Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z have stepped into parenthood, we’ve all gathered online to learn and laugh about the trials and tribulations of raising the next generation of Jews. Want to join the fun? See below for social media pages, and connect with other Jewish parents.


Kveller (@kvellercom) – The best Instagram page for Jewish parenting. Give them a follow to chuckle at parenting memes and get links to thought-provoking articles.


Confessions of a Mommy – Not a Jewish-specific group, but many Jewish moms are in it. Need to confess that you’ve given your kid a mac n’ cheese dinner for the 9th night in a row? Or to kvetch about the endless school closures? This no-judgment group lets you let off steam.

Jewish Mommies of San Diego – Whether you’re curious if the Costco in Carmel Mountain still has kosher shredded mozzarella, or to post job openings, join the group if you’re Jewish, a mother, and living in San Diego!

Podcast episodes

Unorthodox (The Pregnancy Episode, episode 282, aired July 21st, 2021) – Hosted by the hilarious Mark Oppenheimer, Stephanie Butnick, and Liel Leibovitz of Tablet Magazine, listen to this episode to hear from genetic counselors, infertility experts, rabbis, and authors about all things pregnancy related.

Lizzie Rubin


Lizzie Rubin lives in Pacific Beach with her husband and two children.