Rabbi Daniel Reich on the High Holidays: From Confession to Declaration


“So much of our liturgy this time of year is talking about, and confessing to God, about things I’ve done wrong,” says Rabbi Daniel Reich, leader of Congregation Adat Yeshurun of La Jolla. “And that’s important to do, and it’s important to recognize our mistakes so we can rectify them and move on to a better future.”

Citing Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (Rav Kook), he continues, “While it’s important to confess and reflect upon the things we need to improve, it’s equally important to reflect, and pause, and take account of the things we’ve done right. [Rav Kook] says that technically the word viduy, which we usually translate as confessional, is a declaration. That we’re supposed to declare before God during this time of year, ‘Yes, there are things I need to work on, but also accomplishments I’ve had, things that I’ve done right, people that I’ve helped out. And by doing so, he says, that in the same way we can set a path for ourselves of how to do better in the year to come, we could also perhaps even more powerfully so set ourselves up for success, when I take account of all the things I do right, build upon all the greatness that is contained within every single one of us, to accomplish our mission in this world.”

Learn more about Congregation Adat Yeshurun of La Jolla here: https://www.adatyeshurun.org/

Registration for High Holiday services at Adat Yeshurun is open here: https://www.adatyeshurun.org/osh-hashanah-yom-kippur-2021

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