Satire: Goosing the Gander

By Laurie Baron, Ph.D

Laurie Baron

SAN DIEGO — Now that the political stunt of shipping undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers to blue states under false pretenses has become the policy of Republican Trump-wannabe governors, Democratic officials should respond in kind.  Without requiring them to pay me a fee for political consulting, here are my suggestions.

New York Mayor Eric Adams should entice homeless people from the streets of his city and transport them to Texas by emphasizing that the climate is warmer there and the state has plenty of open space for them to pitch their tents.

California Governor Gavin Newson should recruit gay and trans teachers from schools in San Francisco and send them to Florida which is suffering from a severe teacher shortage.

Vice President Kamala Harris should identify African American proponents of Critical Race Theory in Washington D.C. and persuade them their expertise is needed in Arizona ever since that state banned the teaching of that subject in their public schools.

Barack Obama who owns a house on Martha’s Vineyard should propose to the Boards of Selectmen on the island that they solve its infestation of Lyme-Disease carrying ticks by trapping them and transferring them to states with more arid climates like Arizona and Texas.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot should lure members of the city’s street gangs to move to Texas by reminding them that the state welcomes people who value their First Amendment right to openly carry guns, particularly semi-automatic ones, and that unemployed abortion providers and their patients will hire them as armed guards.


Baron is professor emeritus of history at San Diego State University. He may be contacted via