Hebrew Day School Students Learn Empathy and Kindness

SAN DIEGO (Press Release) — Imagine — two third-grade boys walk out of an assembly teaching empathy and kindness to others. On their way out, one boy stops, notices his classmate’s shoe is untied, and bends down to tie it. That is what took place at San Diego Hebrew Day School when its latest character education program was launched. (See photo on the right.)

Long recognized for the excellence of programs that instill positive Jewish identity and good character, this latest program is titled “KAMOCHA,” based on the Torah’s central statement “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” The word in Hebrew used is KAMOCHA.

As classes resumed following the Passover break, students in grades two through six watched a humorous film which depicted a students getting magical glasses which showed him how best to treat others. Following the film, Rabbi Shalva Michaels talked with students of varying ages, tuning them in how their own perspective could better include the feelings of others.

“Jewish values are not vague ideas or maxims at San Diego Hebrew Day School,” commented Rabbi Simcha Weiser, Head of School. “Opening the hearts of our students to internalize these ideals and put them into practice every day is what shapes our school culture.”

Parents see the spillover at home as consideration for siblings is shown on a routine basis. “I missed the posting explaining the new program,” one mother said.  “But who needs a notice when you see your daughter acting more kindly every day?”

San Diego Hebrew Day School’s KAMOCHA program is a shining example of how schools can make a positive impact on their students, families, and communities. By literally opening their students’ eyes wider, we see graduates emerging who make a positive difference in the world.  On May 21, the school will celebrate its 60th anniversary year.

To learn more about San Diego Hebrew Day School, or to schedule a tour, contact Anthony Ortiz at aortiz@ssdhds.org or call 858-279-3300.


Preceding provided by San Diego Hebrew Day School