Jared Kushner, born January 10, 1981 to Charles Kushner and his wife Seryl Stadtmauer, is a third-generation Holocaust survivor, the grandson of Reichel and Joseph Kushner, who tunneled out of the ghetto in Navahrudak, in what is now Belarus.
Jared attended a Modern Orthodox yeshiva, and later graduated with honors from Harvard University with a bachelor’s degree in government. He met Ivanka Trump in 2005, married her in 2009, and switched his party registration from Democrat to Independent to Republican.
When Ivanka’s father, Donald Trump, became U.S. President in 2017, Jared became a senior advisor in the White House and director of the Office of American Innovation. He was put in charge of Trump’s initiative in the Middle East, which resulted in the Abraham Accords among Israel, United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and Morocco.
In 2020, Trump pardoned Jared’s father, a real estate developer, who had been convicted 15 years earlier for tax evasion, witness tampering, and illegal campaign contributions.
Tomorrow, January 11: Abraham Joshua Heschel
SDJW condensation of a Wikipedia article